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Inhaltsangabe "I´m the King of the Castle"

Frage: Inhaltsangabe "I´m the King of the Castle"
(2 Antworten)

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Hallo Leute!

Ich muss zu diesem Buch eine Buchvorstellung machen und suche dringend eine Inhaltsangabe, da ich es aus zeitlichen gründen nicht schaffe, das Buch komplett zu lesen. Kann mir bitte bitte jemand helfen?

Vielen Dank schonmal!
Frage von Krissi2107 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 10.01.2009 - 14:43

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Antwort von TGS (ehem. Mitglied) | 10.02.2009 - 18:51
Hier ist eine Inhaltsangabe, die ist aber auf Englisch. Du kannst ie ja einfach im Internet oder selbst übersetzten (lassen)!

Joseph, Edmund (11 year old boy) and grandfather Hooper live at Warings, an ugly house built of dark red brick. At Warings there`s the Red Room, where Grandfather had a lot of moths, he was famous for them. Grandfather died right in the beginning of this novel. Joseph`s wife Ellen Hooper died 6 years ago. Joseph tries to find an "informal"
housekeeper and he finds Mrs Helena Kingshaw. The first time she comes, she also brings her only son Charles (he`s almost 11 years old), she doesn`t have a husband.

Edmund doesn`t like to have a new friend, therefore he he showed Charles the message: "I didn`t want you to come here". Later Edmund bullies Charles terribly. For example, Edmund laughes as he sees Charles is scared of a big crow, which keeps coming to Charles. Later Edmund puts a big crow, which he found at the attic, on Charles` bed. But he does a lot more to frighten Charles dreadfully. He locked him in the Red Room (collection of dead moths), he followed Charles when he ran away, he deliberately didn`t admit that Charles had rescued him when he had fallen on a stone in the stream in Hang Wood and he also said on purpose Charles had pushed him off the ruin (actually Charles tried to help him).

So inside the house of Warings, Edmund is clearly the boss, but outside Charles is. For instance, he helps Edmund when he`s afraid of the thunderstorm in Hang Wood and he tries to help Edmund going down the ruin. When Charles help Edmund, he never bullies him. It`s
difficult for Charles to be at Warings, he remembers the days at St. Vincent`s School,
there everybody came to him when he was ill. Once he received a postcard from Devereux (friend from St. Vincent`s) on which is written "we`re sailing every day", Charles was not allowed to join him by his mother. Fortunately, Charles finds a friend (Anthony Fielding) when he prays in a church nearby. Anthony lives on a farm, so they can do a lot of funny things (e.g. looking at a calving cow). Anthony says Charles needn`t to be frightened of Edmund. Unfortunaly, Edmund comes back home (he has been in the hospital). When Edmund goes together with Anthony to the farm, Charles decides to stay at
home. He knows he lost his friend Anthony.

Later Edmund dropped a sheet of paper in Charles` room, on which was written "Something will happen to you". This is the start of some nightmares, he decides to go to the stream in Hang Wood. Charles realizes he has to live together with Edmund, because Joseph and Helena wanted to marry. There he breathed in a long breath, when he was laying in the water. When Edmund and the others found him dead in the stream, Edmund thought: "This is because of me". Helena Kingshaw, who never realized Charles was being bullied by Edmund, said: "Everything is all right".

Vieeel Spaß xD

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Antwort von TGS (ehem. Mitglied) | 10.02.2009 - 18:55
Hey, weißt du vielleicht was über die Haltung / den Standpunkt von dem Edmund Hooper und dem Joseph Hooper zu dem Haus (Warings) ?
Wer lieb wenn du da was wüsstest und mir schreiben könntest, da ich keine Ahnung habe, was ich dazu sagen soll! Nehme auch gerade das Buch durch, aber leider auf Englisch und ich finde das Buch voll langweilig^^

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