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sind in dem text fehler oder hat jmd tipps?

Frage: sind in dem text fehler oder hat jmd tipps?
(1 Antwort)

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The frog king (summary)

"The frog king" is a German farytale which was written by the Gebrüder Grimm.

A princess sits at a fountain in the forest and play with her golden ball.
As she throws up her ball and wants to catch them, the ball falls into the fountain. The princess begins to cry. After that comes a frog and will pick up the ball if she takes him as her journeyman and playmate to the castle. The princess agrees. But when the frog gets her ball out of the fountain, she runs alone to the castle.

At the meal the frog knocks on the castle door and asks the princess to redeems her promise. On instruction of her father the princess opens the door for the frog and tells her father the promise. Her father tells her that she has to keep the promise.

On the evening the frog asks the princess whether she can put him on the bed. Consequently the prncess flips out and throws the frog against the wall. If the frog falls down he will change into an beautiful prince and tells the princess that a witch enchants him.
One day later the prince takes the princess as his wife in his kingdom.

PS: wäre echt net wenn mal jmd. nachschauen könnte ob ich fehler gemacht habe und mir dann sagt was falsch ist und wie es richtig ist, besonders bei den if-sätzen :)
danke schonmal im voraus :)
Frage von Kiki1995 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 09.03.2012 - 12:48

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Antwort von atomicLOVE (ehem. Mitglied) | 09.03.2012 - 13:47
plays with her golden ball,
and wants to catch it, starts to cry, and wants to pick up, in the evening etc.
lass nochmal jemand erwachsenen drüberschaun ;)

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