Chapter 5 ( 3 Fragen )

Hausaufgabe Englisch: 18.02.2001
Why is Kinghsaw not surprised to hear his mother say: “Charles is settling down so happily”?
Hopper is hardly mentioned in chapter 5 . What effekt dies this have on the reader?
Compare the descriptions of the wood a) when Kingshaw first enters it / b) just before Hooper appears
In my opinion Kingshaw is not surprised at all, because he new all the time that his mother doesn’t know anything about his real feelings about Warings and Hooper. She herself is quite happy with Mr. Hooper and for this reason she wants Charles to like it, too. There seems to be some kind of cumminicational problem, as on the one hand Kingshaw does not dare to tell his mother about beeing bullied and on the other hand Mrs. Kingshaw is too selfish to care for her sons’s problems. And Charles figured this out very early, so that he’s not surprised to hear his mother say something like this.
When Kingshaw first enters the wood, he is afraid. The wood is dark and unpleasant and he almost does not dare to go inside. When he finally walks on he realizes that it will be even more difficult than he explected it to be, because there is a ditch, overgrown with thick grass and weeds. This of course makes it hard to walk or run. So the impression of the wood at this time makes him trembling, whereas the description of the wood, just before Hooper appears is the exact oppisite. At that time the wood seams to be bright, warm and no longer foggy. The sun is shining and the wood really seems to be safe.
- Why is Kinghsaw not surprised to hear his mother say: "Charles is settling down so happily"?
- Hopper is hardly mentioned in chapter 5 . What effekt dies this have on the reader?
- Compare the descriptions of the wood a) when Kingshaw first enters it / b) just before Hooper appears (416 Wörter)
- Hopper is hardly mentioned in chapter 5 . What effekt dies this have on the reader?
- Compare the descriptions of the wood a) when Kingshaw first enters it / b) just before Hooper appears (416 Wörter)
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