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The Fall of the House of Usher Korektur der Inhaltsangabe :S

Frage: The Fall of the House of Usher Korektur der Inhaltsangabe :S
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und schon wieder ne inhaltsanagbe das ist die dritte :S
( eine kommt noch und das wars dann :D )

„The Fall of the House of Usher“
This story was written by Edgar Allan Poe

The story was published in the year 1839 in Burton`s Gentleman`s Magazine in the Unitd States.

Short summary:
The tale is telling by a unnamed narrator.
In the beginning the narrator arrived the a house wich is the house of the narrators friend Rodrieck.
The narrator see there strange things.
The reason for this visit is that his friend Rodrieck written to him and say that he is mental sick and he hoped that a visit from hisold friend make him maby better. As he enter in the house he see Mr.Rodrieck who look like a corpse.
The narrator see Madeline, Ushers twinsister only this night.

Few weeks the narrator tried to distract with his depressed friend. Usher announced that his twin sister Madeline is died and that he have entomb her body here. After her death Usher change himslef. As Usher comes to the narrators room the narrator read a story for Usher to calm him down. By reading the story Usher make a confession about his sister.
After the narrator hear this some body open the door. That was Madeline .The narrator leave this house quiekly. As he look back he see that the house fall in the piece.

ich glaub der ist gut geworden oder ?
ihr müsst verstehn ich bin nciht grade gut in englisch :S
Frage von Rezzaa16 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 04.01.2009 - 16:27

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