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English: Text korektur dringend

Frage: English: Text korektur dringend
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Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have recently read your article in the newspaper about Being Young.
Am students and young. In my view, I have a different opinion than them. Jung is to be in some cases and in some good and bad. It speaks very offten about young people. Young people have more leisure time, which do not work, have no children and Basilea their lives. Meet up with friends, going to the cinema, visiting parties and follow their hobby. The young people have no worries, as our parents. They go to school and learn. But there are also other types of young people to ruin their lives. They fall into the wrong friends, because the matter comes to alcohol and drugs. The young people get the babies that is also very difficult for them, they have no free time, they need only take care of her baby and maybe even get under no haste from their parents. That`s my opinion about the topic Being Young.
Frage von Nora80 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 18.08.2011 - 23:00

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