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My wonderful Holiday.bitte um verbesserung!

Frage: My wonderful Holiday.bitte um verbesserung!
(3 Antworten)

My " wonderful " holidays with a kangaroo

I`ve been on vacation in Melbourne City.
I`ve been there for three weeks and it was really great. My Mum, my Dad, my sister and me were on the beach.

It was really hot for me and so I wanted to go to my hotel room. While I was unbaring the room, I heard something inside. " What that can be ? " , I asked to myself.

When I opened my room I heard something from the bathroom. Slowly I skulked there and suddenly I saw a kangaroo jumping in the bathroom. " Oh my goodness ! " , I just said.

I couldn`t believe my eyes. It was so unbelivable that a kangaroo is in my room. " How could it come in ? , I asked again to myself. While I was thinking about this problem,

the kangaroo just jumped around. " What will Mum or Dad say about it ? The will certainly tell that the police or the zoo director`s. " , I said. For a moment I didn`t look after the kangaroo,

but all at once I heard a noise. I ran into the kitchen and saw that the animal throw the whole cutlery. Immediately I let my Mum know about the " little " happening. Mum just said to me,

that I`m just jokeing with her, but I was really serious on the phone, so she came to the hotel. Soon she came, but with my Dad and my sister. When they saw the animal, they were just

shocked. " Kristina " , my Mum shouted. " What`s this animal doing in our hotel room ? " , she said yet. " I ..I don`t know. " , I stuttered. " I will tell that the police. " , my dad said. " No, what

when they euthanize it ? Definitely they will kill it. " , I meant. " No, they will bring it into the zoo. " , my Dad said. I agreed with it and so we told it the police. When the police came in, they

tried to catch the animal. At first it was really hard, cause` it just jumped around. Finally they catched it. My Mum was really happy that they catched it, cause` she is afraid of animals.

In the end I just scratched on my head and laughed about this happening. But finally then I said " That were my craziest holidays ever. "
ANONYM stellte diese Frage am 04.10.2008 - 14:48

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Antwort von freakygirl8 (ehem. Mitglied) | 04.10.2008 - 19:31
My " wonderful " holiday with a kangaroo

I`ve been on vacation in Melbourne City. I`ve been there for three weeks and it was really great. My Mum,
my Dad, my sister and me were on the beach.

It was really hot for me so I wanted to go to my hotel room. While I was unbaring the room, I heard something inside. " What that can be ? " , I asked to myself.

When I opened my room I heard something from the bathroom. Slowly I skulked there and suddenly I saw a kangaroo jumping in the bathroom. " Oh my godness ! " , I just said.

I couldn`t believe my eyes. It was so unbelievable that a kangaroo was in my room. " How could it come in ? , I asked again to myself. While I was thinking about this problem,

the kangaroo just jumped around. " What will Mum or Dad say about it ? They will certainly tell that to the police or the zoo director. " , I thought. For a moment I didn`t look after the kangaroo,

but all at once I heard a noise. I ran into the kitchen and saw that the animal threw all the cutlery. Immediately I let my Mum know about the " little " happening. Mum just said to me,

that I`m just joking with her, but I was really serious on the phone, so she came to the hotel. Soon she came, but with my Dad and my sister. When they saw the animal, they were just

shocked. " Kristina " , my Mum shouted. " What`s this animal doing in our hotel room ? " , she said at last. " I ..I don`t know. " , I stuttered. " I will tell that to the police. " , my dad said. " No, what

when they euthanize it ? Definitely they will kill it. " , I meant. " No, they will bring it into the zoo. " , my Dad said. I agreed with it and so we told it to the police. When the police came in, they

tried to catch the animal. At first it was really hard, cause` it just jumped around. Finally they catched it. My Mum was really happy that they catched it, cause` she is afraid of animals.

In the end I just scratched on my head and laughed about this happening. But finally I said " That was my craziest holiday i`ve ever had. "´

ich glaub so ist es besser:) du hast viele fehler gemacht beim "tell the police" richtig ist "tell to the police" :) und holiday ist auf englisch singular nicht plural achte drauf^^

Antwort von GAST | 04.10.2008 - 23:55
"what can that be" nich "What that can be"

"I just said" ist vom deutschen uebersetzt.. das hast du im englishcen nich.. du kannst vllt am ANFANG des satzes sagen "The only thing I was able to say was: "

- I asked myself again.

" I meant" ist auch vom deutschen wortwoertlchi uebersetzt... versuch mal "I disaproved saying, they would kill it"

- cause ist umgs.. "because" waere das richtige wort..

- "I said "That was the craziest holiday I`ve ever had"

Antwort von GAST | 05.10.2008 - 12:24
okay danke nochmal! dankeee:-*

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