My wonderful Holiday bitte um verbesserung
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2 Forumsbeiträge zum Thema My wonderful Holiday bitte um verbesserung:
Hallo, ich weiß es ist ziemlich viel, aber ich bitte um eine Verbesserung meiner Texte.
Ich danke euch schon im Vorraus
Lg. Jenny
1. Email
On their website, UICC, a London-based agency, advertises a one-week course titled
“Working in the UK – Everything you need to know!” For th..
My " wonderful " holidays with a kangaroo
I`ve been on vacation in Melbourne City. I`ve been there for three weeks and it was really great. My Mum, my Dad, my sister and me were on the beach.
It was really hot for me and so I wanted to go to my hotel room. While I was unbaring the room, I heard something inside. " What that can be ? " , I as..