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Frage: "Outsider"
(11 Antworten)


ich muss zu morgen die kurzgeschichte "outsider" von meher pestonji lesen.
habe dies auch bereits getan aber da mein englisch nicht das beste ist habe ich nicht sonderlich viel von der geschichte verstanden.
will jetzt natürlich nicht, dass ihr mir ne detailierte inhaltsangabe oder so schreibt, aber es wäre klasse wenn ihr mir kurz auf deutsch schreiben könntet, worum es in der geschichte geht :-)
wäre echt klasse!
GAST stellte diese Frage am 15.06.2008 - 16:54

Antwort von GAST | 15.06.2008 - 16:57

da steht alles drinnen was du brauchst ich habs auch gelesen auch nicht verstanden und da nachgelsen

Antwort von GAST | 15.06.2008 - 17:03
besten dank, aber leider ist das nicht die geschichte die ich suche...

ich suche "outsider" von der inderin meher pestonji...

die kurzgeschichte ist unter anderem im buch "emerging india" zu finden!

Antwort von GAST | 15.06.2008 - 17:08
achso okay die geschichte kenn ich nciht

Antwort von GAST | 15.06.2008 - 17:16

Antwort von GAST | 15.06.2008 - 17:28

Antwort von GAST | 15.06.2008 - 17:28
Steck die Kurzgeschichte doch in irgendeine Übersetzungsmaschine und aus den einigen mehr oder weniger sinnvollen Wortfetzen kannst du dir ja vielleicht den Inhalt denken ^^

Antwort von GAST | 15.06.2008 - 17:31
ähm.... die kurzgeschichte ist knapp 40 seiten lang...^^

Antwort von GAST | 15.06.2008 - 17:35

Antwort von GAST | 15.06.2008 - 17:50

Antwort von GAST | 15.06.2008 - 18:53
lol wie dämlich


Beiträge 0
Antwort von annegret89 (ehem. Mitglied) | 01.10.2008 - 17:05
moin, ich muss grad ne hausaufgabe zu der kurzgeschichte machen kann ja mal eben das posten was ich bisher hab...

English homework

Summery of the short storry "Outsider" by Meher Pestonji

The short story "Outsider" by Meher Pestonji is about a german girl who is a student in stuttgart. Theresa vistit Bombay, because she is writing about street kids in India. During her visit she become confront with the differences between the life of the street kids and the life of the indian middle class. During the short story grows the relationship between Theresa and a Santosh a street kid more and more. Until Theresa has to leave Idian and to go back to Germany. Theresa wants to help Santosh to start a better life, but she can`t do anything for him. Quite contary to Theresa endamage Santosh. The other people of the shelter are jealous of the special relationship between Theresa and Santosh. At the end of the story Santosh has to leave Bombay, because the people of the shelter abuse him. He don´t know where he should go.

How would you discribe the ending? Hopeful? Optimistic?

I wouldn`t discribe the ending of the short story hopeful or optimistic. Theresa couldn`t help Santosh and now he is in a more worse situation then before. The people don`t have any appreciation for Theresa who want to help. (look at page 75 l. 12.) I think that the people should change they attituide. Only when the people start to think in another way they can change something. For this reasen I wouldn`t say that the story have an optimistic endining rather I think the short story shows a vicious circle of the indian society.

What does the short story (Outsider) tell you about the Muslim, Christian and Hindu religions in India?

In India Hindu and Muslims use the same religios buildings for example the Haji Ali Daragah
Summery of the short story "A Devoted Son" by Anita Desai
The story "A Devoted Son" is an ironic short story by Anita Desai. The story is about an old man called Varma who wish that his son Rakesh carry for him like he did when his son was a littke boy. Varma and his wife did a lot for their son, because they wanted a better life for him. Rakesh studied medicine and now he is a doctor. Rakesh sentisfy Varmas wish and carry for his ill father. At the beginning is Varma very happy about this but his feelings change, when Rakesh forbide him to eat everything. Rakesh does everthing to keep his father longer alive. And do not notice that he takes the vitality from his father. At the end of the story old Varma refuse the medicine from his son, because he want to die. The last thing that Varma says in the short story is "God is calling me -now let me go" (Page 124 line 2)

From what point of view is this story (A Devoted Son) told? Explain the use of ambiguity in the telling of the story?
The story is told in an ironic way. The writer wants to display that not all wishes are good. The authors intention is to show the change of the modern life in India. Rakesh studyed medical science although his parents wasn´t very rich. (vgl. page 108 l.l. 13) The ambiguity consist of the wich from Varma who wants that his son carry for him, but during the story he becomes very unhappy abuot his son who realy is doing everything for keeping his father longer alive. (compare to page 108 l.l. 13) The story reveals in an ironic way that not all our wishes should come true. But the story is not only about this also it decribes a family which is changing. Old Varmas family is a symbol therefor that the indian society is chaning. They are standing between westernished live and traditional live.

To what extent is the family westernished and still traditional? Make a chart.

- they eat traditional food
- the relationship between father and son (Varma and Rakesh/ Rakesh and his son)
- Rakesh mother choosed the wife for his son
- Rakesh diden`t pick an american girl
- they wear traditional clothes (saris)

- the family climed the social ladder which is realy untipical in the indian society (castesystem)
- Rakesh makes his wife happy and does a lot for her
- Rakesh take great care of the education of his son

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