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Frage: Australien
(6 Antworten)

Ich brauche Hielfe bei einen Referat über Australien.
Ich muss die Tierwelt, Ureinwohner, Uluru und besondere Touristen Ziele . Diese aber alles auf English.
ANONYM stellte diese Frage am 13.05.2008 - 14:04

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Antwort von dinky (ehem. Mitglied) | 13.05.2008 - 14:06



Antwort von GAST | 13.05.2008 - 14:06
ud woran genau scheitert es jetzt?die infos zu bekommen ist einfach...das übersetzen machst d aber selbst!
dein ergebnis kannst du dann hier poste und wer zeit und lust hat wirds nachgucken

Antwort von GAST | 13.05.2008 - 14:07
Ich hab da mal was fertiges über die Aborigines gefunden, vll. hilft dir das ein wenig. Kannst ja noch ändern usw.

Topic: Australian Aborigines

First I like to tell you something about the Australian Aborigines. I find suggest that Australian Aborigines civilisation is one of the oldest in the world. In the past the Aborigines were native Australians.
The Aborigines walked from place to place and hunted animals. They were hunters and collectors. The Aborigines had Boomerangs to knock out and kill their prey. They lived from fire-stick farming.
Many Aborigines lived in the desert of the outback. The outback is for the Australian a wide, hot and almost empty centre of their country. When you travel to the outback you should have a lot of water. But Aborigines don´t see the desert as a hot and infertile place.
Almost 300 different languages were used by the Aborigines. Today there are about 50.
The Aborigines have a very long tradition.
Their way of explaining that they are the owners of the land is through songs, stories and dances of the creation Ancestors. They have another religion as we have.
They lived in large family groups, each with its own language and culture.
For the Aborigines, married was more like a contract between parts of the tribe. Art is a central part of the live of Aborigines and takes many forms.

Second I tell you something about the Europeans when they came to Australian in 1788.
5.000 years later the Europeans came to Australia and took them her land. The Europeans said that they ill and the Aborigines helped them. But then the Europeans brought them alcohol and drugs and the Aborigines were ill and addicted. Many of this people died.
White Australiens found it difficult to give the natives all civil rights, they never really understood the Aborigine´s way of live.
Today the Aborigines live in a country which is different from the Australia of 1788.
But all Aborigines are proud of their culture and they never forget his old traditions.

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Antwort von dinky (ehem. Mitglied) | 13.05.2008 - 14:10

Manche sind echt zuuuuuuu faul

Antwort von GAST | 13.05.2008 - 14:18
also sehenswürdigkeiten gib es zb den hafen(circular quay) , museum of contemporary art , earth echange, der daws point , die kaianlage pier one und campbell cove , die harbour bridge , das opernhaus, cadman s cottage(älteste gebäude sydneys) , argyle cut , garrison chruch , colonial house museum , georg street , australien square tower, martin place , darling harbour...ich könnt noch stunden weiter machen^^..aber ich würd dir empfehlen sachen zu erzählen die man noch nich so kennt oder weiß...die kommen bei den lehrern immer am besten an..=)

Antwort von GAST | 13.05.2008 - 14:19
sollst du das referat über das land australein oder den kontinent australien halten?

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