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Frage: Biografie
(10 Antworten)

Hallo findet ihr vllt eine Biografie von Bono ( --> U2) auf englisch im Internet... Das wäre ganz nett.....
GAST stellte diese Frage am 30.04.2008 - 23:07

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Antwort von buesra_91 (ehem. Mitglied) | 30.04.2008 - 23:12

Beiträge 40285
Antwort von matata | 30.04.2008 - 23:22
________________________ - Team

Antwort von GAST | 04.05.2008 - 18:56
sollte auf englisch sein!

Antwort von GAST | 04.05.2008 - 18:57

Antwort von GAST | 04.05.2008 - 20:39
Hi.. Hier habe ich eine Biografie auf deutsch zusammengefasst.. Doch beim Übersetzen stimmt der text nicht so ganz.... Könnt ihr es korrigieren?

Antwort von GAST | 04.05.2008 - 20:39
Bono is on 10 May 1960 in Dublin, the capital of Ireland was born and raised. His real name is Paul Hewson.
He was nicknamed "Bono Vox" by his friend, Guggi.
He later shortened it to Bono, which remains his name until today.
He had many nicknames: The anti-Christian, Alton Dalton, The Fly and Mirror Ball Man
He is the second child of Bobby and Iris Hewson.
His brother, Norman, is the oldest.
When Bono was 14 years old, his mother died a few days after the totally unexpected death of her father to a brain haemorrhage.
About her death Bono once said: `home was no longer home, just a house ".
Later he dedicated her song Tomorrow.
With 15 years Bono discovered his passion for music and guitar playing.
He was inspired by the music of bands like the Patti Smith Group and Thin Lizzy. 1976 reports he is in the Mount Temple School in Dublin at a poster of Larry Mullen Junior, the musician was looking for a rock band to start. From this band was after several name changes of 1978 the band U2.
Bono was only by the band as lead guitarist, singer and songwriter, then he should lead instead of the rhythm guitar playing, then just sing and the good conclusion it should only manage the band. Finally, he remained the singer of the group ..
Bono since August 1982 with Alison Stewart married.
Together they have two daughters, Lena Jordan and Memphis Eve, and two sons. His name is Elijah Bob Patricus Guggi Quincy and John Abraham.
He lives with his family in Dublin.
In 2001, died Bonos father to cancer.
Bono dedicated to his father songs Sometimes you can not make it on your own and One Step Closer, on the 2004 album released U2-How to dismantle an Atomic Bomb released.

Antwort von GAST | 04.05.2008 - 20:45
Diese Sätze stimmen nicht so ganz:

1976 meldet er sich in der Mount Temple School in Dublin auf einen Aushang von Larry Mullen Junior, der Musiker suchte, um eine Rockband zu gründen.
--> 1976 reports he is in the Mount Temple School in Dublin at a poster of Larry Mullen Junior, the musician was looking for a rock band to start.

Aus dieser Band wurde nach mehreren Namenswechseln 1978 die Band U2.
-->From this band was after several name changes of 1978 the band U2.

Im Jahre 2001 starb auch Bonos Vater an einer Krebserkrankung
-->In 2001, died Bonos father to cancer.

Bono ist am 10. Mai 1960 in Dublin, die Hauptstadt von Irland geboren und aufgewachsen.
-->Bono is on 10 May 1960 in Dublin, the capital of Ireland was born and raised.

Antwort von GAST | 04.05.2008 - 20:50
und das auch nicht:

Bono widmete seinem Vater die Lieder Sometimes you can’t make it on your own und One Step Closer, die auf dem 2004 erschienenen U2-Album How to dismantle an Atomic Bomb erschienen.
--> Bono dedicated to his father songs Sometimes you can not make it on your own and One Step Closer, on the 2004 album released U2-How to dismantle an Atomic Bomb released.

Antwort von GAST | 04.05.2008 - 21:14
könnte mir denn jemand helfen?

Antwort von GAST | 04.05.2008 - 21:22
Könnte mi jmd nur diesen Satz korrigieren, bitte?

Bono widmete seinem Vater die Lieder Sometimes you can’t make it on your own und One Step Closer, die auf dem 2004 erschienenen U2-Album How to dismantle an Atomic Bomb erschienen.
--> Bono dedicated to his father songs Sometimes you can not make it on your own and One Step Closer, on the 2004 album released U2-How to dismantle an Atomic Bomb released.

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