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Woody Allen Text

Frage: Woody Allen Text
(1 Antwort)

guten abend,
ich habe eine kurze biografie über woody allen für den englischunterricht schreiben müssen und ich wollte fragen, ob mir vielleicht jm tipps geben könnte, wo ich was verbessern könnte.
oder halt die allgemeine korrektur. wäre sehr lieb wenn mir jm helfen könnte

The Us-American director and actor Woody Allen was born on 1 December 1935 in Brooklyn, a district from New York, as Allen Stewart Konigsberg. His father, Martin Konigsberg, earned/kept the maintenance as a diamond cutter/pointer. His mother Nettie Cherry works as an accountant. His younger sister, Letty was born in 1943 .As son from not Orthodox Jews, he attended a Hebrew school for 8 years. After this Allen graduated/passed the Public School 99 and the Midwood High School. Because of his red hair his nickname was Red. He has developed very early interest in theatre and cinema. In addition, he played every day up to two hours clarinet. He used his extraordinary talent to supplement his pocket money. At the urging of his parents, Allen began studying at the New York University. Among other things, he also attended a film course there. However, he concentrated on writing gags for the agent David O. Alber, who sold it to film and television companies. But Allen was not satisfied with its fees and wanted more.
In 1953, Woody Allen married the 16-year-old Harlene Rosen in Hollywood. A divorce was a typical aspect of such an early marriage. So they break up with each other in the late 1950s. After his time by television Allen quickly became a popular stand-up comedian. Rather than his first appearance as a stand-up comedian took place/happened in a New York nightclub in 1960. His ex-wife took him to court for 2 million U.S. dollars, because he took her in with some/ a few jokes. Soon thereafter, he wrote the first scripts for theatre and film and has published some (several) short stories.
After his divorce, he married Louise Lasser 1964, but this marriage did not last long and was divorced soon.
Woody Allen reached its definitive breakthrough/breakout as a film actor/performer and director in the 70s with the movies "Annie Hall" and "Manhattan".
In the 80ies Mia Rarrow was his partner/spouse, whom he engages her for the movie "Zelig". Farrow had four children of her own and seven adopted children, including the begotten son of Allen Satchel. Mia Farrow and Woody Allen were considered as a dream couple, although they are never lived together. However, Allen did not saw only with his work for headlines. Mia Farrow accused him in court to have abused their four year old daughter Dylan.
The marriage to Farrow broke and Allen married in 1997, his 36 years younger adopted daughter Soon-Yi, which was then led to a real scandal. With her Allen adopted the daughters Bechet and Manzie Tio Dumaine.
Woody Allen directed more than two dozen feature films. He also wrote plays and short stories. Approximately he was nominated in twenty-five times for an Oscar, and three times he was awarded the trophy actually) for "Annie Hall" (for Director and Screenplay) and "Hannah and Her Sisters".
GAST stellte diese Frage am 15.12.2009 - 19:23

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Antwort von Wiish (ehem. Mitglied) | 15.12.2009 - 19:49
"Brooklyn, a district from New York" in New York, Brooklyn, named Allen...

- His father earned their livelihood as a..
"Cherry works" bleib hier in der Vergangenheit, warst du vorher auch
-"As son from " as son of
"Allen began studying " entweder : allen began to study oder allen started studying
"who sold it " sold them; weil es sich ja auf Gags bezieht
"A divorce was a typical aspect " statt aspect finde ich effect passender hier
"they break up with each other" achte auf die Zeit, und das each other kann weg
-took place
"His ex-wife took him to court for 2 million U.S. dollars, because he took her in with some/ a few jokes" Das steht hier etwas zusammenhangslos dazwichen, es passt nicht zu seinem Auftritt. Und der Übergang ist auch nicht shcön. Der Satz im Ganzen ist etwas verwirrend finde ich, was meinst du damit?
"reached its " Bei Personen solltest du eher `his` nehmen
"reached its definitive breakthrough/breakout " made his breakthrough as film actor
"they are never lived " was ist das für ne Zeit?
"Allen married " remarried
Warum/ Wie hat er seinen Künstlernamen angenommen, wäre noch ganz interessant.

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