Referat: The Biographie of Mahatma Gandhi
BIOGRAPHY OF Mahatma Gandhi
1. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi born on October 2, 1869 in Porbandar, India
2. one of the most respected spiritual, political leaders of the 1900's
3. helped free the Indian people from British rule through non-violent resistance
4. "Mahatma" means Great Soul
5. 13 years -> Gandhi married Kasturba (same age)
6. four children
7. studied law in London, returned to India in 1891 to practice
8. 1893 -> one-year contract to do legal work in South Africa, controlled by Britain
9. stayed for 21 years to secure rights for Indian people
10. developed a method of action based upon the principles of courage, non-violence and truth = Satyagraha
12. 1915 -> returned to India
13. within 15 years -> leader of the Indian nationalist movement
14. using the principles of Satyagraha -> led the campaign for Indian independence from Britain
15. was arrested many times by the British for activities in South Africa and India
16. honourable to go to jail -> seven years in prison
17. used fasting to impress upon others the need to be non-violent
18. India was granted independence in 1947 -> India and Pakistan
19. -> rioting between Hindus and Muslims
20. advocate for a united India = Hindus and Muslims lived together in peace
21. January 13, 1948 (age 78) began a fast -> purpose of stopping the bloodshed
22. after 5 days -> opposing leaders pledged to stop the fighting -> Gandhi broke his fast
23. twelve days later -> Hindu Nathuram Godse assassinated Gandhi
Biografie / Vortrag über Mahatma Gandhi in Stichworten auf Englisch. (246 Wörter)
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