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Referat: Ernest Hemingway

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Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway was one of the greatest American writers of the 20th century.
His works are written in form of fictions, novels, articles and short stories.
Hemingway’s direct and simple writing style often lets the reader imagine.
His first work was published in 1923. It’s titled “Three Stories and Ten Poems”.
His first widely successful novel was “A Farewell to Arms”, which came out in 1929.
Further famous writings were “The Old Man and The Sea”, “For Whom The Bell Tolls”, “Death in The Afternoon” and “In Our Time”.
In 1954 Hemingway won the Nobel Prize in Literature for the work “The Old Man and The Sea”.
His writings often reflect his experiences of life.
Ernest Hemingway was born on 21st July 1899 in Oak Park, a suburb of Chicago, Illinois.
He was the second of six children.
His mother Grace was a musician and singer. His father Clarence was a medical doctor an taught his son in outdoor activities, for example in fishing and hunting.
Hemingway’s mother liked to spend money and she spent too much, creating problems between her and her husband. Then the Great Depression worsened their financial problems.
By 1928 Dr. Hemingway killed himself with a shot of one of his guns.
Ernest Hemingway entered his first grade in the same class with his sister Marcelline in 1905.
He attended the “Oak Park and River Forest High School” in 1913, where he distinguished himself as an inspiring journalist an writer.
His earliest poems and short stories appeared in the school’s magazine.
After his graduation from high school in 1917, Ernest Hemingway had been working for six months as a reporter for the Kansas City Star.
In the First World War he wanted to be in the Army, but his eyesight was bad and the American Army rejected him; so he drove ambulance for the Red Cross near the Italian front.
Ernest Hemingway was injured on 8th July 1918 and he had been spending for months in hospital convalescing.
He fell in love with the nurse Elizabeth Hadley Richardson, married her on 3rd September 1921 and they got a son called John Hadley Richardson.
At the end of the year Ernest went to France as a correspondent for the Toronto Star.
He made friends with several expatriates, such as Ezra Pound and Gertrude Stein. They both had great influence on Hemingwa’s writing style.
Hadley left Hemingway because of his interest in other women and she took their son with her.
On 27th January 1927 he married Pauline Pfeiffer.
At this point in his life he spent time in Florida, Spain and Africa and developed an interest in bullfighting.
He returned to Spain during the Spanish Civil War from 1936 to 1939.
He was also a correspondent in the Second World War.
Hemingway and Pauline were divorced in 1940.
Hi third wife was Martha Gelhorn. However this marriage only lasted for four years.
In 1944 he married his fourth wife Mary Welsh.
Ernest Hemingway got dependent on alcohol and committed suicide as a result of mental depression.
In dem Referat geht es um das Leben und die Werke Ernest Hemingways. Am Anfang des Referats wird das allgemeine Bild von Ernest Hemingway und seine Werke dargestellt. Danach wird der gesamte Lebenslauf von Hemingway beschrieben. (511 Wörter)
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