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Ernest Hemingway

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Ernest Hemingway

* 1898 in a prosperous Chicage suburb + 1961 suicid

Dr. E. C. Hemingway
prominent Chicago physician & sportsman
Ernest wrote number of tributes to his father -> short stories, hero = Nick Adams

finishing public schools
travelling to France ( job on the Kansas City Star (held position only a few months) -> journalistic training marked his style for rest of career
Italy (1917-1918) ( ambulance driver on the Austrian front ( fictionalized his experiences in A Farewell to Arms ( was severly wounded in summer 1918 ( left with numerous scars & knee was patched with platinum cap -> retain for rest of his life
Returning to America ( married ( worked for Toronto Star
Return to Europe & settle in Paris (1921) ( joined American expatriates -> formed a literary & artistic circle -> close attachments with Gertrude Stein, Sherwood Anderson, Ezra Pound
( period had important influence on later style
Three Stories and Ten Poems: ( first book-length publication

( appeared in 1923
( emancipation from Anderson and others influenced him (Gertrude Stein, Henry James, Fod Madox Ford, James Joyce)
From 1924 ( traveled wildely ( literary output continued at a steady rate ( base = Key West (Florida), attracted him through combination of solitude and sport fishing
travel to Africa (1933-34) ( hunting expeditions
Green Hills of Africa (1935): ( materials from hunting expeditions
To Have and Have Not (1937) ( written in the lull following the African trip
2 trips to Spain ( to cover the Civil War
The Fifth Column, number of stories, For Whom the Bell Tolls ( written out of experiences in Spain
Engaged in considerable political activity on behalf of the Spanish Loyalists
During 2nd Wold War ( war correspondent in Europe ( took an active part in the campaign in France as irregular raider
Across the River and Into the Trees (1950) ( use of these war experiences
4 Marriages: ( three ended in divorce
1921: Hadley Richardson ( son John
1927: Pauline Pfeiffer ( Patrick and Gregory
1940: journalist Martha Gellhorn
1944: Mary Welsh ( met as a war correspondent in England
Home: farm, Finca Vigia, in Cuba
The Old Man and the Sea ( laid in Cuba ( utilizing his fishing experience ( appeard in 1952 ( specifically mentioned in the Nobel committee’s citation
Nobel Prize for Literature awarded in 1954
Stichwortartige Biographie von Ernest Hemingway, sehr übersichtlich
(Englischer Autor)
(auf englisch, ) (373 Wörter)
von unbekannt
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