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New York and its boroughs:

There is too much to see, so mind-blowing is the plenty of attractions what the city of the USA in a tight area keeps ready. Sightseeing, shopping, sport, culture all is possible. The urban area is divided in five boroughs: the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens Staten Island and Manhattan. Brooklyn is with about 2, 5 million inhabitants the biggest urban area, but Manhattan the eldest and slightest. Manhattan is divided in three territories: “Upper Manhattan”, “Midtown Manhattan” and “Lower Manhattan”.
In “Midtown Manhattan” the “Theatre- Districts” as well as most of the hotels are located. Lots of visitors use Manhattan as a synonym for New York and several tourists do not leave the peninsula during their stay.

The Bronx is the only borough which doesn’t lie on an island, it is built on mainland. It has an total area of about 148 square kilometres and about 1,3 million inhabitants live there. It is in the east of New York City. The Bronx exists by 24 percent from parks more than in every other region of this country. In square measures it is about 4800 pitch’s. The famous baseball stadium from the “New York Yankees” is also there.
The “Bronx Zoo” is very advisable because it is the biggest city zoo in the USA and was open in the year 1899. All in all there live more than 4000 animals from 600 types in their near natural ambiance.
In 1639 it was settled by the Swedish Jonas Bronck. There are more than 60 historical sights and precincts in the Bronx, for example the ”Edgar Allan Poe Cottage” on the “Grand Concourse” and the stately “Van Cortland House Museum” in the “Van Cortland Park”. The leisure facilities are boat trips, Cricket, golf, picnics areas and tennis courts.
The fruit and vegetable shops are also very advisable. Beside gastronomical highlights, there is also a theatre and an interpretive centre.
“City Island” offers a wide range of restaurants, fishing and boat trips. The coast in “South-East City Island” is similar to a fishing village in “New England”. White sand beaches are on the “Orchard Beach” at the coast by “Long Island Sound”.

Brooklyn was until the fusion of the “New Yorker Boroughs” in 1898 the fourth biggest city in the USA. It got its name from the Dutch community Breuckelen. Brooklyn has an area of about 196 square kilometres and has about 2.5 million inhabitants. The borough is located in the south of New York City.
In Brooklyn is one of the most famous bridges in the world, the “Brooklyn Bridge”. It was finished in the year 1883 and it was the longest rope bridge of the world by this time.
Directly on the “Brooklyn Bridge” there are blocks of houses where once famous writers and artists lived. From there you have an unbelievable view to “Lower Manhattan” and the harbour.
In the “Brooklyn Academy of Music” are listed concerts, modern and classical dance and theatre as well as active films.
Not to miss is a visiting in the “Prospect Park”. It is a nice landscape architecture and a modern zoo for children.
One of the most beautiful cemeteries is the “Green-Wood Cemetery”. With a wonderful prospect of the harbour and thousands of trees and bushes as well as four lakes is the “Green-Wood” the final last resting place from famous personalities.
In “Brooklyn Botanic Garden” are special gardens with plants from different climates. Lots of people come to this garden to look at these unique plants.
The “Brooklyn Museum of Art” is one of the biggest museums in the USA. It owns one of the most bulked Egyptian collections of the world. In the constant exhibitions there are more than 1, 5 million objects from Egyptian masterworks represented, until the modern art virtually from every culture.
A museum which is very famous for children is the “Brooklyn Children’s Museum”, because it was the first museum for children in the world and also the “New York Aquarium” on “Coney Island Boardwalk” with 300 animal species is a wonderful sightseeing for children.
Onto “Coney Island” the cyclone roller coaster is also very famous.
In the east of the island in “Brighton Beach” lots of immigrants from Russia live there, from there is also the nickname “little Odessa”. “Sheepshead Bay” is the centre for fishers in New York City.
The Park slope in the north-east of Brooklyn is especially a neighbourhood. In the end of the 19th century it was famous as the “golden coast” because of the villas and the manorial row houses at the “Prospect Park”.

Queens is the biggest of all five boroughs with 311 square kilometers. It is located in the east of New York City. The two main airports of New York are in Queens, the “John F. Kennedy International Airport” and the domestic airport “La Guardia”. Queens was until the 19th century without meaning. This fact changed when Queens got a borough of New York in 1898. Today more than 2 million people live in Queens.
Queens is east of Manhattan, on the other side of the “East River”. It develops more and more to a cultural top-destination.
Interesting constitutions in Queens are the “Socrates Sculpture Park”, the “American Museum for the Moving Image” and the “Contemporary Arts Center”. Also the “John F. Kennedy Airport” is there.
The “Contemporary Arts Center” is in an ancient schoolhouse and it is one of the biggest and most famous exhibition centres for temporary art of the world.
The Socrates Sculpture Park is a park with huge sculptures of welded objects. From there you have a fantastic view to Manhattan.
Worthwhile is the “American Museum of the Moving Image” in Astoria. It is a highlight for every fan of cinema. It presents the history of New York by means of shoots, requisites and instructional exhibitions.

Staten Island:
Staten Island has an area of about 183 square kilometres but is the less settled of the five boroughs with about 450,000 inhabitants. It is located in the south-west of New York City.
At “Staten Island” there is the colonial village “Historic Richmond Town“ with a shop and the eldest “Elementary School” in America.
When you will travel to “Staten Island” you have to take a ferry. The ferry gets by the harbour of New York, the “Statue of Liberty”, “Ellis Island” and the “Governors Island”. During the journey you have a free view to “Lower Manhattan”.
On “Staten Island” there is the “Snug Harbor Cultural Center”. This historical area with 28 buildings is encircled by gardens and a museum complex. Years ago it was a home for navigators in retirement, but today there are two galleries, performances and museums, which are surrounded by landscapes and botanical gardens.
The “Staten Island Zoo” has a collection of reptiles, an aquarium and an exhibition about the tropical rain forest, the “African Savannah” and a famous farm for children.
From the south beach you have a good view to the “Verrazano-Narrows Bridge”. By the boardwalk are nice places to have a picnic as well as different kinds of sports.

Manhattan is the island of the heart. Here you can find the most sightseeing’s from New York. There are the famous museums, luxury hotels and different ethnic neighbourhoods like “Chinatown”, “Harlem” and “Little Italy”.
But also the bohemian side of the town “Soho” (South of Houston street) and “Greenwich Village”, Broadway and “Times Square”, the centre for finance at the “Wall Street” and the “Fifth Avenue” have embossed the face of the city. These are only a few sightseeing’s of New York. In Manhattan are about 90 percent of all sightseeing’s from New York. It has an area of about 87,5 square kilometres and has about 1,6 inhabitants. It is the smallest of the five boroughs in New York City. It is split in three territories: “Upper Manhattan”, “Midtown Manhattan” and “Lower Manhattan”.
The neighbourhoods of Manhattan are: “Chinatown”, the “Civic Center”, “East Village”, “Greenwich Village”, “Harlem”, “Little Italy/ “NoLIta” (North of Little Italy), “Lower East Side”, “Lower Manhattan”, “Midtown”, “Soho and TriBeCa”, “Union Square”, “Upper East Side”, “Upper West Side” and “Central Park”.

Lower Manhattan:
“Lower Manhattan” is at the southern part of Manhattan, where the “Hudson River” and the “East River” flow together. It also called “Downtown” because it is the southern part of Manhattan.
The heart of the quarter of finances is the world famous “Wall Street”, which was built by the oldest settlers as a protection against the Indians. Tall buildings like the New York “Stock Exchange” and the “Federal Reserve Bank” affect the street. There where once the “Twins Towers”.
Near the “Wall Street” is the “Federal Hall Memorial” with the statue of the first president of the USA, George Washington. There he marked his first curator ship.
A famous sight is the “Trinity Church” from the year 1766. It was once one of the biggest buildings in New York with 90 metres.
The “Financial Center” is widely more than a complex of offices of finance, shops and restaurants. Demonstrations of theatres and music take place there.
The Broadway is one of the oldest routes of New York and takes course as the solely avenue diagonal from the southern peak to Albany.
Not to miss is the “Old New York“ in the “South Street Seaport” with a lot of old ships, museums, shops and restaurants. In the “South Seaport Museum” you can see the history of the harbour of New York.
In the south of the island is the “Battery Park” from where you have a wonderful view at the harbour of New York, “Staten Island”, the “Statue of Liberty”, “Ellis Island” and the “Hudson River”.

Midtown Manhattan:
Midtown is the aim of every visitor who comes to New York. A few steps from the excellent restored “Grand Central Terminal” is the “Chrysler Building”, the complex of the “United Nations”, the “Rockefeller Center”, the “St. Patrick’s Cathedral” and the “Trump Tower”.
The great libraries like the “Morgan Library” and the “New York Public Library” are also famous sights there.
Behind the “Public Library” is the nice “Bryant Park”. In the summer there are wonderful concerts and cinema shows. The “Fifth Avenue” symbols with its deluxe shops New York.
Other famous sights in “Midtown Manhattan” are the “Times Square” and the “Theatre District” where fascinating performances are shown every evening. More attractions are the “Museum of Television and Radio”, the “American Craft Museum”, the “Carnegie Hall” and the “Radio City Music Hall”.

Upper East Side of Manhattan:
The courtly quarter of the city stretches from the “Plaza Hotel” on the verge of the “Central Park” until the end of the “Museum Mile”.
Lots of designers come to New York to go shopping at the “Madison Avenue”. Just already a window shopping is fascinating. Lots of boutiques and famous designers based at the “Madison Avenue”.
The erstwhile Millionaires Row by the “Fifth Avenue” was renamed to the “Museum Mile”, because of the especially high number of cultural institutions.
The “Upper East Side” has lots of treasures which you can see at the “Frick Collection” and the “Whitney Museum of American Art”. In the “National Academy of Design”, you can see arts from the 19th and 20th century.
The mayor of New York lives in a deluxe house at the “Upper East Side of Manhattan”. The “Fifth Avenue” takes course along the “Central Park”.
The “Central Park” is the green lung of New York. There you can do lots of sports like boating, jogging, bicycling, horseback riding and in the winter you can go ice-skating.

Upper west Side of Manhattan:
On the eastern side of the “Upper West Side” is the “Central Park” and on the western side is the “Riverside Park”. The intellectuals, the creative and the rich people live there, but the atmosphere is not as well as at the “Upper East Side”.
The houses on Broadway, at the “West End Avenue”, at the “Riverside Drive” and at the “Central Park West” are built by brown sandstone from the “First World War”.
But lots of these buildings are under monumental protection. Some apartments are inhabited by famous people
By the reputable “Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts” at the Broadway are lots of famous buildings, for example the “New York State Theatre”, the “New York City Ballet”, the “New York City Opera”, the “Metropolitan Opera House” and the world-famous “Julliard School of Music”.
At the “Central Park” were built big apartments, like the castle-like “Dakota“. Directly at the entry John Lennon was murdered. To think of John Lennon the “Strawberry Fields Memorial” was built there in “Central Park” across from his house.
A little bit wider towards Uptown there is the biggest gothic cathedral of the world the “Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine” as well as the “Columbia University”.
Diese Datei enthält Informationen über die "Boroughs" von New York: Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn, Staten Island und Manhattan

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