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Educated Rita - 20 years later (in english)

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„Educated Rita“ 20 years later

Rita meets Frank on the meeting for the ex-students, who did their exams on the year that Rita had done her exam, too. After a short time, Rita recognizes Frank at the buffet and talks to him.
Rita: Nice to see you, Frank. How are you?
Frank: It is so nice that we see us here. It was a very long time. Very well, but I have a little rheumatism.
What have you done in the past? Your clothes are so beautiful.
Rita: At first I went to France with Tiger. Do you remember Tiger?
Frank: …Mmh…Yes, of course. That’s the young guy you had very interesting conversations with.
Rita: Yes. Tiger showed me the whole country and at last Paris where he owns an apartment. There I lived for the following time. Then I found my own flat. And it was very difficult to learn the other tongue. But Paris is great.
You will laugh, if you get to know what I do now.
Frank: …Do you work in a town library?
Rita: No, but that is a great idea. Rooms with so many books. This is my paradise. Just a moment. It just occurred to me that I read a funny book written by William Shakespeare, but at the moment I don’t the title. Do you know any titles of his books?
Frank: Wait a minute. …“Hamlet”, “Romeo and Juliet”, “Macbeth” and “Midnight summers dream”.
Rita: Oh yes, the last one. It is a great book. I read it and it enjoy me. Have you also read the story?
Frank: I have studied many books in my lifetime. But I don’t know the content of the story.
Tell me a few important aspects about this, please.
Rita: It deals with confusing feelings, because of the magic of the king of the fairies and his “cobald”…
Rita tells Frank the whole story and he was surprised of her narrative talents.
Frank: Back to our first subject. Where do you worked?
Rita: I worked as a teacher in a high school in Paris and now there.
Frank starts laughing. (Nice.)
Frank: Oh, that’s a surprise. But it’s very nice. How is it to teach other people?
Rita: It is very exciting and interesting. I have learned a lot of things from you who helped me teaching today. You have been a great teacher.
Frank: I’m sure you, too. (Laughing)
Rita: But now to you. How was it in Australia?
Frank: It was very good. It was a paradise for likes of me. But I spend only 2 years in Australia. I wanted to go back to my students. I missed teaching.
Rita: I understand, really. When I came back to Great Britain, I only wanted to make holidays at the first time. But I missed teaching, too. I work at my hometown again. I teach young boys and girls who have problems with writing, reading and speaking. In Paris I made a special training.
I have another question, what about your alcoholism?
Frank: That’s great. That’s mean we see us again and again. Oh. I drank a lot of years after you make your exam. But I had done an anti-alcoholism-course and from this time on I drank no more alcohol.
Rita: That’s very well. Do you want to have a little glass of Foster’s Lager?
Frank: Oh no, I don’t drink alcohol, really.
Rita: I trust you. What is with Julia?
Frank: Julia? She never comes back. But I’m happy. I have married a beautiful Lady called Betty. She is a professor for history at my college. I know I’m old, but it was love at first sight.
What has happened with your husband Denny?
Rita: My congratulations. I never go back to him. I wanted the divorce. But I have married, too. And you aren’t too old for the love of your life.
Frank: You have married Tiger?
Rita: No, of course. He was too young for me. I have married my lawyer Jacques. It was destiny. I meet him in Paris. He is so wonderful.
Now, he lives with me and our three children here. Yes, you have heard right. I’m mother of three children.
I needed only the right man and all my problems weren’t problems anymore.
Frank: My congratulations, too. I don’t have own children, but my students, including you, are my children.

Oh, my boss calls me.
Excuse me, but I have to go to him. We can meet tomorrow at my home. My wife and I will cook. And you come together with your family at six o’clock.
Rita: Oh yes, that’s fine. See you tomorrow. Bye.
Frank: Bye.
Aufgabe war es, nachdem wir das Buch "Educating Rita" gelesen und behandelt haben, einen Dialog zu schreiben, der ein mögliches Gespräch (möglichst real) zwischen Rita und Frank widerspiegelt. Der Zeitrahmen für diese Aufgabe betrug zwischen 5-10 Minuten. (782 Wörter)
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