Three children
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0 Dokumente und 2 Forumsbeiträge0 Dokumente zum Thema Three children:
2 Forumsbeiträge zum Thema three children:
Get out of our living rooms. This country is in danger of becoming a politically controlled nation closer to communist China. That`s all very well if you have three hours to wash the dishes, but some of us need to get things done. Gee, these toddlers are up to no good. What are they up to? Wait for it – they`re watching television!
The out..
Hi ich muss bald einen Vortrag in Geografie auf englisch halten. Daher wollte ich fragen, ob vielleicht jemand korrigieren könnte. Würde mich sehr freuen. Schon mal danke im Voraus.
Everyone needs water.
For example to drink, to wash clothings or for the Toilette. All in one a european houshold consumes an average of..