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Dialog beim Arzt - at the doctors

Alles zu Ausarbeitungen, Interpretationen und Zusammenfassungen

Patient: Good morning!

Doctor: Hello Mrs. Nolde!
What can I do for you?

Patient: I feel sick.

Doctor: What's the trouble?

Patient: I've got a terrible headache, a sore throat and I've got a bad cold.

Doctor: How long have you felt this way?

Patient: I think since three days but I've got a fever yesterday.

Doctor: Ok, then open your mouth, please and show me your tongue.
Now, get undressed, please.
Take a deep breath.- Hold your breath, please.
You can get dressed.

Patient: What's wrong with me?

Doctor: It's nothing serious. Do you take some medicine regulary?

Patient: No, I don't take some medicine or tabuts.

Doctor: Ok. So you can take these tabuts two times a day. One in the morning and one in the evening and you need a few days bedrest.

Patient: Do I have to come back?

Doctor: Yes, come back please in one week.

Dialog beim Arzt - at the doctors (Englisch)

Thema: Gespräch eines Patienten mit dem Arzt. Der Patient beschreibt seine Symptome und der Arzt stellt eine Diagnose. (151 Wörter)
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