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Englisch- Präsentation: Korrigieren bitte

Frage: Englisch- Präsentation: Korrigieren bitte
(2 Antworten)

Beiträge 1
hey könnte mir jemand mal meine präsentation durchgucken und gucken ob sie stimmt oder ob ich  was besser machen kann.

Im vorhinein schonmal Danke

Helloand welcome to my English presentation about the Sydney opera house.
SydneyOpera House (1957 - 1973) is a masterpiece of late modern architecture. It isadmired internationally and proudly treasured by the people of Australia. Itwas created by a young architect who understood and recognised the potential providedby the site against the stunning backdrop of Sydney Harbour. Denmark’s JørnUtzon gave Australia a challenging, graceful piece of urban sculpture inpatterned tiles, glistening in the sunlight and invitingly aglow at night. JornUtzon died in Copenhagen in November 2008 aged 90. Inits short lifetime, Sydney Opera House has earned a reputation as a world-classperforming arts centre and become a symbol of both Sydney and the Australian TheSydney opera house is an emblem of the 20 century. It goes back to the designof the Danish architect Jørn Utzon. The building is 184 meters long, 118 meterswide and covers an area of about 1.8 hectares. Its distinctive roof protrudes67 meters high and is with 1,100,000 glazed, dressed white ceramic tiles thatwere imported from Sweden. 580 piles that were anchored 25 meters deep in theground, carrying the approximately 160,000-ton building. The Opera Housecontains five theatres with a total of 5532 seats. Late the 1940s matured inSydney the idea zoom that also this city should have an opera house.   Utzon should begin construction before thefull cost analysis and all technical problems were solved. Therefore, no exactcost calculation and no plan of construction was possible. This contributed tothe fact that the originally fixed construction cost of 3.5 million pounds wereAustralian dollar at the end of over 50 million pounds, so then 100 million. On20 October 1973, the Opera House was officially handed over by Queen ElizabethII., The formal head of state of Australia, its determination. At the openingof Ludwig van Beethoven`s 9th Symphony with Ode to Joy was listed. Normal 0 21 false false false DE X-NONE X-NONE
Frage von Michael242 | am 24.06.2015 - 08:38

Beiträge 30
Antwort von Jasi1 | 25.06.2015 - 16:08
Ich denke der ist ganz gut so

Beiträge 239
Antwort von Zal | 26.06.2015 - 02:14
Jemand, der sich als 15 ausgibt, kann so einen Text nicht zusammenfassen (nicht das es perfekt ist, jedoch für ihr Alter mit Sicherheit zu hoch).
Da kommt mir dann der Gedanke, ob diese ganze "Presentation" doch nur copy&paste ist, was leider den Anschein macht.

Somit gibt es nichts zu korrigieren. Wenn du aus englischen Seiten 1zu1 übernimmst Fräulein, dann brauchst du uns nicht mehr zu fragen, ob Fehler enthalten sind.

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