The Ideal of the American Dream
7 Beiträge gefunden:
0 Dokumente und 7 Forumsbeiträge0 Dokumente zum Thema The Ideal of the American Dream:
7 Forumsbeiträge zum Thema The Ideal of the American Dream:
Ich habe nächste woche eine mündliche prüfung und soll dort eine definiton über den American dream vorstellen.
Bitte um korrektur da ich nicht die beste in Englisch bin...
Danke im vorraus.
I would talk about the American Dream. At first we have no one
specific definition about the american dream because everyone have his ow..
In the essay “What America means to me”, Benjamin Livian defines the American Dream as the ability to freely practice your religion and the equal right to political participation of every American citizens. He also describes the American Dream as the equal opportunities for every American citizens to go from “rags to riches” as long as they..
Mache grad ein Referat über den American Dream.. wollte das möglichst gut machen.. währe euch dankbar über jede information die ihr dazu habt!
The melting pot is the fundament that is integrated into the principle of the American Dream. The idea of the melting pot is to “integrate” people of different origins to America. With “integrate “ is not meant that the immigrants with their foreign culture can enrich and try to find their way in the state, but that a form of assimilation t..
Hermann Überblick
The American rough home
There is German cosiness and picturesque idyl - also this in the country of the boundless possibilities! This hides in the river valley of Missouri embedded Hermann is the living example of a typical small town from the 19th century - here the time seems to have stopped. Weathercock-equipped steeple ..
Es wäre echt nett wenn jemand meine Fehler in dem Text verbessern könnte. Mein Englisch ist nicht grad das beste^^
Lester Burnham is the protagonist of American beauty.He is tall has a normal figure at the beginning and at the end he is muscular.His eyes and hair are brown. Lester is 42 years old.
He has a wife called Carolyn and a doughter n..
Ich habe nächste woche eine mündliche prüfung und soll dort eine definiton über den American dream vorstellen. Bitte um korrektur da ich nicht die beste in Englisch bin...
Danke im vorraus.
I would talk about the American Dream. At first we have no one
specific definition about the american dream because everyone have his own de..