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Frage: Korrekturlesen
(1 Antwort)

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Es wäre echt nett wenn jemand meine Fehler in dem Text verbessern könnte. Mein Englisch ist nicht grad das beste^^

Lester Burnham is the protagonist of American beauty.He is tall has a normal figure at the beginning and at the end he is muscular.His eyes and hair are brown. Lester is 42 years old.
He has a wife called Carolyn and a doughter named Jane.Insted he has a hob and a house.
Lester appers to ive the ideal American dream, but this is only a facade.
In real he is a man who is unloved by his dougther, ignored by his wife, unnecesscery at work and everyone thinks he is a loser, including herself.
At the beginning of the movie he is unsatisfied with his life, but then he starts a rebellion.He makes things that he never did before.
He gets to knoe Angela the best friend of his dougther.Lester falls in love with her and wants to look good fot her.
Lester starts his own live and makes what he want.
He quit his job, lost weights, buy a car, smooking gras, doing nothing and discover the sexuality of the 16-years old Angela.
At the end of the movie he is dead.His nightbout murdered him,but he is a happy detath person.
Frage von Lillifee91 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 23.11.2009 - 17:42

Antwort von GAST | 23.11.2009 - 17:59
Lester Burnham is the protagonist of American beauty.He is tall has a normal figure at the beginning but at the end he is muscular.His eyes and hairs are brown. Lester is 42 years old.
He has a wife called Carolyn and a daughter named Jane.Instead he has a hob and a house.
Lester appears to live the ideal American dream,
but this is only a facade.
In real he is a man who is unloved by his daugther, ignored by his wife, unnecessery at work and everyone think he is a loser, including himself.
At the beginning of the movie he is unsatisfied with his life, but then he starts a rebellion.He makes things that he never did before.
He gets to know Angela the best friend of his daugther.Lester falls in love with her and wants to look good fot her.
Lester starts his own live and makes what he want.
He quit his job, lost weight, buys a car,starts smooking gras, does nothing and discovers the sexuality of the 16-years old Angela.
At the end of the movie he dies.His neighbour murders him,but he dies as a happy person.

hab mein bestes versucht hoffe konnte helfen.

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