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internet DSL / ISDN referat un englisch

Frage: internet DSL / ISDN referat un englisch
(1 Antwort)


könnt ihr hier im referat fehler korrigieren und vllt auch was dazuschreiben wenn euch was dazu einfällt ...
ich habe gerade nur ma über 300 wörter und weiss nicht ob da mehr reinsollte .... danke

The Internet with a DSL / ISDN connection

Today the internet is a very important and popular subject of a lot of teenagers. You can get a lot of news, have the possibility to chat with your friends and if you have time, you can play online games with other people on earth. These examples are advantages of the internet, but before you can use it without any problems, somebody has to setup it.

A few years before, there was the Integrated Services Digital Network, which is called ISDN. This was one of the first possibilities to go online, sending E-Mails, faxing letters and calling your friends. In Norway, Denmark and Germany this kind of connection was very popular. But there was a big disadvantage in it. You had to pay a price for all minutes you went online and for phoning. This is very bad, because people have to hurry up for a less bill at the end of the month.

In 2004 the developers have developed ISDN and have created the DSL (Digital Subscriber Line). With this new technology you can go online, faxing letters and calling other people simultaneously. The way how to pay, has been changed, too. With a flaterate, you have to pay about 35 Euro the month for going online and national calls. International calls are cheaper as normal, too.

A big advantage is also the speed. Users who are downloading films and music clips have to wait about 30 minutes for a music clip. With the DSL you can download a music file with a highspeed downlaod mirror in nearly 2 minutes.

In 2005 there are many attractive offers like teleflat, internetflat, and moveiflat included. Not everyone in Germany can use DSL, because it wouldn`t be profitable to install it in every city of Germany by reason of the high activation costs.

All in one you can say that the DSL is the new way in future to go on the internet and use your phone.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 10.03.2008 - 17:01

Antwort von GAST | 10.03.2008 - 17:08
push push !..........

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