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Summary auf Fehler kontrolieren!

Frage: Summary auf Fehler kontrolieren!
(3 Antworten)

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In the excerpt from the novella of T.
Coragessan Boyle goes it around
the immigrants into the USA. Delaney and its neighbour Jack meet in a
supermarket. There Jack addresses the topic immigrant, he is the
opinion, does not belong not into his country, since they do not work
and only on cost the taxpayer live here. He tries to convince his
neighbour of the fact that the immigrants lead nothing property in the
sign. He believes even that they would throw themselves before a car, to
only take in order the insured sum.
Delaney is however different opinion, he tries Jack to explain that its
whole nation consists of immigrants. And he tries to make on the basis
an example clearly, in he told him that his grandmother and his
grandfather did not originate also from America. But Jack is firmly of
his opinion convinced and persisted in his point of view. He tries to
convince for his part with an example the neighbour. He tells him of a
study, which proves that the immigrants bring in annually seventy
million taxes however two hundred and forty million spend. Delaney tries
to say somewhat against it, he wants to him to make clear that each
humans earn a chance, is not added however not.
Frage von philu89 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 16.02.2008 - 19:38

Beiträge 3236
Antwort von Grizabella | 16.02.2008 - 19:46
der erste satz stimmt schonmal nich... es heißt nicht goes it around,
das kannst du nicht sagen wie im deutschen. The excerpt from the novelle usw ist about immigrants in the USA

Antwort von GAST | 16.02.2008 - 19:48
lol goes it around xDDDDD

The excerpt from the novella of T. Coragessan Boyle deals with
the immigrants in the USA. Delaney and his (or her) neighbour Jack meet in a

hm bei dem rest.. lol ich weiß überhaupt nicht was du teilweise damit sagen willst o.o

Beiträge 3236
Antwort von Grizabella | 16.02.2008 - 19:51
also das klingt wie von google übersetzt oder so...

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