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Frage: English Text
(4 Antworten)

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Schreibe eine kurze Zusammenfassung des Artikels.

The newspaper article „Let’s be though on crime: teach children to love themselves“ written by Veronica Birkett in The Independent is about a long way to give children and teenagers their self-confidence back.
Veronica B., a teacher, helps children in groups of seven-year-olds to help them to improove their skills.
She helps teenagers, who get involved into crime or alcohol- or drugs problems to get out of this and to find new perspectives to stay in life.

Analysiere den Aufbau und die Struktur sowie die sprachliche Gestaltung.

This article is a newspaper article of quality press. The headline has got bold types and the whole text is smaler in the same size. The headline “Let’s be though on crime: teach children to love themselves” makes obvious that the children, who get help of Veronica B., have a lack of skills and that she helps them to get out of their ghettos.
The article can be divided into 7 parts in which one part uses rhetorical questions and another part uses notes and quotations. Further more there is nopicture or image in this article.Veronica Birketts news story describes how she helps youngsters to find the way back into the social life. She tries to motivate children and teenagers to support their special needs.
Her opinion is that these youngsters will get good adults and parents in further time. That’s why she thinks this would solve many problems.
Her style to create attension on the problems the youngsters have, without selfesteem, is written in an objective way. This means that the narrator add to the article hers opinion. The article describes impressive how important selfesteem is.

Beziehe kurz Stellung zu dem Artikel.

After reading the article “Let’s be though on crime: teach children to love themselves” by Veronica B., I think she makes in a impressive way clear how important selfesteem and skills are for young people. I support this message because I think she does a good job.
Frage von Afro | am 15.11.2007 - 20:59

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 15.11.2007 - 21:08
Das gefällt mir, sachlich geschrieben, guter Stil, gute Wortwahl.
Fachausdrücke sind passend gewählt.

Eine Kleinigkeit: Further more there is no picture.... vielleicht eher: no photo, no illustration anstatt image ?
________________________ - Team

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Antwort von dinky (ehem. Mitglied) | 15.11.2007 - 21:11
Im ersten Absatz hast du 2x "helps" nacheinender...beim 2. Mal könntest du supports (unterstützen) oder so nehmen! Aber sonst find ich das auch schon gut

Beiträge 158
Antwort von Afro | 15.11.2007 - 21:58
( ((
___ `-
(____))( ---- cool danke^^
(____)) _

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Antwort von dinky (ehem. Mitglied) | 15.11.2007 - 22:03
This means that the narrator add to the article hers opinion.

DAs hört sich falsch an! o.O

This means that the narrator adds her opinion to the article.

so isses besser glaub ich

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