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Referat: English as a global language

Alles zu Ausarbeitungen, Interpretationen und ZusammenfassungenDefinition: A global language describes a language, which is understandable for many people all over the world.

spoken by many people as mother tongue
understandable in lots of different cultures and continents
taught in several countries as a foreign language at school
official language of multinational organisations and companies
more than 100 million speakers
important for international trading
science language

English language:
5000B.C. 1000 0 410 A.C. 750-1050 1066 1558

Spread of the English language:
1620: Mayflower => colonisation started ( British Empire)
1788 England brought criminals to Australia
until 1807: slavery (India, South Africa)
colonies, war of independence and west movement lead to the spread of English in the USA
first and second world war -> USA became superpower
globalisation 20th and 21st century (worldwide communication- and information systems)
Why English?
easy to learn and understand with just little knowledge
most scientific, technologic and academic information is in English
entertainment world
first language of international business and trade
communication between non-native speakers
public transport

American English or British English:
1932: BBC tried to spread a universal English (same accent and vocabulary)= oxford English
computer-related words are more frequently spelled the American way ( program)
in Europe: mix of BE and AE -> mid-Atlantic English
B.E: Europe, India, Asia, Africa/ A.E: Japan, South Korea, Latin America

English as official language:
Antigua, Australian Bound, Bahamas, Barbados, Dominica, Gambia, Ghana, Grenada, Indian, Ireland, Jamaica, Cameron, Kenya, Liberia, Malta, Mauritius, Micronesian, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Papua Eugenia, Philippines, Zambia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, South Africa, Tanzania, Tuvalu, UK, USA, Uganda..
Quellen: wikipedia, schulbuch, David Chrystal: English as a global language
Englisch-GFS English as a global language 14.11.05
Carolin Görner
Indo-Europeans (the Celtic) bring language to Britain
-> Latin
->“ Englisc“
-> Norse
The Battle of Hastings
-> French
Elizabethan age: spread of English language started
Referat mit dem Titel "Englisch als Weltsprache". Die Datei liefert eine stichpunktartige Auflistung zu folgenden Themen:

- Definition
- Criteria
- English language
- Spread of the English language
- Why English
- American English or British English
- English as official language

(Englisch, ) (309 Wörter)
von unbekannt
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