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How to analyse a Text? - Textanalyse Englisch

Alles zu Ausarbeitungen, Interpretationen und Zusammenfassungen

Structure of a text

I. Exposition:

- introduction of the main characters
- the setting (time, place) is given
- the conflict / theme is introduced

II. Central part:

- rising action
- climax / turning point
- falling action

III. Denouement:

- solution

Text Analysis

a) What?

  • text form :
- fictional
- non-fictional
  • subject / theme; contents → summary

b) How?

  • narrator’s perspective :
- 1st / 3rd person perspective
- omniscient / limited (=selective) perspective
- subjective / objective (give opinion / neutral)
- observer narrator: 3rd person; not involved in situation
  • stylistic devices :
- alliteration
- allusion
- contrast
- enumeration
- exaggeration / understatement
- imagery: metaphor (without "as”, "like”), simile (with "as”, "like”), symbol, personification
- irony
- onomatopoeia
- repetition: parallelism (similar or identical words, phrases, sentences), anaphora (parallelism at beginning of successive clauses)
- rhetorical question
  • technique (dialogue, scream of conscious technique., narrator)
  • text types (report, news story, feature story, editorial, letter, interview, speech, advertisement)
  • characters / setting

c) Why?

- moral / deeper meaning / message / intention



- Opening formula / closing formula
- Exaggeration
- Setting: distant, unreal past + world of myth and magic
- Repetitions
- Rhymes + verses
- Good against bad → good wins
- Princess + giant + witch Þ "flat characters” = stereotypes
- Purpose: for children, should educate them
- End: happy ending
Schritte zur guten Textanalyse, Interpretation auf Enlisch. (224 Wörter)
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