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A lover’s embrace-Englischtext mit Aufgaben

Frage: A lover’s embrace-Englischtext mit Aufgaben
(3 Antworten)

Beiträge 6
Kennt einer zufällig den Text? Kann mir einer bitte bei der Bearbeitung der unterstehenden Aufgaben helfen? Also kommt erstmal der Text: The manager of Bombay‘s railway system was recently asked when the system would improve so that it could carry its five million daily passengers in comfort. ‘Not in my lifetime,‘ he answered. Certainly, if you take the train into Bombay, you find out about the temperature of the human body as it curls around you on all sides and adjusts itself to every curve of your own. A lover‘s embrace was never so close. One morning I took the rush hour train to Jogeshwari. There were so many passengers I could only get halfway into the carriage. As the train got faster, I hung on to the top of the open door. I feared I would be pushed out, but someone said: ‘Don’t worry, if they push you out they also pull you in. ’

Asad Bin Saif is a scholar of the slums, moving tirelessy among the sewers, cataloguing the riots, seeing first-hand the slow destruction of the city. Asad, of all people, has seen people at their worst. I asked him if he felt pessimistic about the human race. ‘Not at all, ’ he replied. ‘Look at the hands from the trains. ’ if you are late for work in bombay, and reach the station just as the train is leaving, you can run up to the crowded compartments and you will find many hands stretching out to grab you on board, unfolding outward from the train like petals. As you ran beside the train you will be picked up, and some tiny Space will be made for your feet in the open doorway. The rest is up to you; You will probably have to hang on to the door frame with your fingers, being careful not to lean out too far. But consider what has happened: having stood like this for hour, your fellow passengers, already packed tighter than cattle, their shirts wet with sweat, can still feel with you, know that your boss might shout at you or cut your pay if you miss this train. They make space where none exists to take one more person with them. And at the moment of contact, they do not know if the hand that is reaching for theirs belongs to a Hindu or Muslim or Christian or Brahmin or untouchable or whether you were born in this city or arrived only this morning or whether you‘re from Bombay or Mumbai or New York. All they know is that you‘re trying to get to the city of gold, and that‘s enough. Come on board, they say. We‘ll adjust. Aufgabe 1:
Aufgabe 2: (Dafür muss man nur den Absatz von And at the moment of contact lesen) Explain what they tell you about Mumbai society.
Aufgabe 3: (Dafür muss man den ganzen Text kennen ich kann ihn auch komplett reinschreiben) Why isn‘t Asad Bin Saif pessimistic about the human race? Summarize the main message of the text in a few sentences.
Ich komme bei den Aufgaben leider gar nicht weiter die anderen waren noch ganz ok aber die hier irgendwie nicht.
Frage von superflarrow | am 31.03.2020 - 12:50

Beiträge 40306
Antwort von matata | 31.03.2020 - 16:02
Ist das dieser Text? Ist er hier vollständig abgedruckt?
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Beiträge 6
Antwort von superflarrow | 31.03.2020 - 16:32
Matata, nein das ist ein anderer, aber der der oben bei der frage steht ist der komplette Text.

Beiträge 40306
Antwort von matata | 31.03.2020 - 18:31
Wie weit bist du denn gekommen mit den Lösungen? Hast du die Wörter nachgeschlagen, die du nicht verstanden hast? Wörterliste gemacht im Vokabelheft oder auf Karteikarten?

Welche konkrete Frage ist noch offen?
Allerdings suchen wir keine Lösungen für dich.
Du kannst einen Lösungsversuch ins nächste Antwortfeld schreiben. Dann kann man sich das einmal ansehen.
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