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Essay korrigieren

Frage: Essay korrigieren
(1 Antwort)

Beiträge 1
Hallo zusammen, Ich muss für meinen Englischkurs eine kurze Beschreibung über meine Arbeit schreiben.

Nun möchte ich von euch wissen wie ihr die Schreibweise findet, und ob ihr etwas verbessern würdet.
(Vor allem bei den Zeitformen bin ich mir noch sehr unsicher).

Für eure Hilfe wäre ich sehr dankbar.

Hier der Text:
My Workplace
The company:
I work for the XY AG, which is located in Zermatt. Zermatt is a famous village in the Mountains of Walis. An interesting fact about the locality is, that the first light bulb in Switzerland shone there.
The company is mostly known for electric installations but has also a small division for consumer electronics and professional audio and video systems in which I and six other employees work. The XY AG has a traditionally rich history that started 100 years ago with a young visionary who became famous for being one oft he first electrician in Switzerland.
Also fascinating is that the company was till 2005 in the family property of the founder`s grandson. This is not a matter of course in this hard contested industry sector.
Why have I choose to work for this Company?
Four years ago I finished my apprenticeship in this company and moved to Bern and Zurich. Because I wanted to make the matura and my old employer in Zurich didn’t want to go down with my workload on 60%, I had the idea to go back to my home village and search there for a Job. I’ve had luck and found many companies which have been interested in me. So I choose the closest one. That was a big mistake because the Boss of that company was very controlled obsessed. I worked there a half year as a Project Manager and decided then to quit. When my old chef at XY AG heard that, he called me and asked if I was interested in employment in his corporation. After a few days to think over the offer, I decided to accept.
Because I had almost no time to study for the school or spend time with my family and my friends especially with my girlfriend, when I was project manager, I decided to work in a more common position. My new boss was very sympathetic to this. And so we specified together my field of activity.
My focus lies in programming. This task I can often do from home because I live mostly in my adopted home in Bern. As I worked for a while as a freelancer in Zurich, I could also adopt my old client base in the new company and so be helpful for the expansion.

Describe your daily work.
My working days are very different but can normally be divided into two cases:

Case one (home office)
As I mentioned above, I sometimes work from home. In this case, I plan the targets and deadlines for my projects by myself. Normally then I switch off my mobile phone and can only be reached by EMail. This sometimes annoys my boss, but so I’m more efficient. When I finish my programming I start to reply to all emails and finish the day with some CAD drawings.

Case two (workday in the company)
When I work in Zermatt, I am especially excited about the diversification. One day I deliver some devices to a mansion in the hills of the famous «Strasse XY» and the next day I’m programming the TV of the Uzbek president in the luxury suite of his hotel. But the most pleasured moment is the car ride between two appointments when I’m conversing with my coworkers and enjoy the sunny weather in the Swiss Alps. Sometimes I also work in one of our stores. There I have to sell all kinds of electric devices and counsel the clients. That can sometimes be challenging.
Something I don’t like about my work is customers with bad manners. Some of them think I have to be available fort hem 24/7. But fortunately, that`s the exception.

What are your (professional) plans for the future?
Although I like my current job, I want to switch back to project management when I finished the Matura. Maybe I found my own company and will consult other companies or institutions with their projects. For this, I must still collect some experience.
My first target is to finish school and then I can think forward.
I have the fortune to have had a lot of experience in different areas in my professional life. this makes me already searched in the working world.
An important point for my goals is a network in the technology industry. This is not always simple here in Switzerland and requires a lot of knowledge to assure the counterpart of my skills.
However, I’m on the right way to master also this challenge

Liebe Grüsse aus den Bergen,
euer The-Mountainguy928
Frage von The-Mountainguy928 | am 04.02.2020 - 23:02

Beiträge 2582
Antwort von Ratgeber | 07.02.2020 - 23:06
My Workplace
The company:
I work for the XY AG, which is located in Zermatt, a famous village in the Wallis Alps.
An interesting fact about the locality is that the first light bulb in Switzerland shone there.
The company is mainly known for electric installations but has also a small division for consumer electronics and professional audio and video systems in which I and six other employees work. The XY AG has a traditionally rich history that started 100 years ago with a young visionary who became famous for being one oft he first electrician in Switzerland.
Also fascinating is that the company was till 2005 in the family property of the founder`s grandson. This is by no means a matter of fact in this highly com pe tit iv e industry .
Why have I chosen to work for this Company?
Four years ago I finished my apprenticeship in this company and moved to Bern and Zurich. Because I wanted to make the matura and my old employer in Zurich didn’t want to reduce my workload by 60%, I had the idea to go back to my home village and look there for a Job. I was lucky finding many companies which were interested in me. So I chose the closest one. That was a big mistake because the chief executive of that company was very controlled and obsessive. I worked there half a year as a Project Manager and then decided to quit. When my old chief at XY AG heard that, he called me and asked if I were interested in employment in his corporation. After a few days to to consider this offer, I decided to accept.
Because I had almost no time to study for the school or spend time with my family and my friends especially with my girlfriend, when I was project manager, I decided to work in a more common position which has been very positively received by my new boss. And thus we have fixed together my field of activity.
My focus lies in programming. This task I can often do from home because I mostly live in my adopted residence in Bern. As I worked for a while as a freelancer in Zurich, I could also adopt my old client base in the new company and so be helpful for the expansion.

Since I have worked for some time as a freelancer in Zurich, I could also take over my old established customers to the new company and thus helped in expending/upgrading.

Describe your daily work.
My working days are very different but can normally be divided into two cases:

Case one (home office)
As I mentioned above, I sometimes work from home. In this case, I plan the targets and deadlines for my projects by myself. Then I normally switch off my mobile phone and can only be reached by email. This sometimes annoys my boss, but so I’m more efficient. After having finished my programming I start to reply to all emails and finish the day with some CAD drawings.

Case two (workday in the company)
When I work in Zermatt, I am especially excited about the diversification. One day I deliver some devices to a mansion in the hills of the famous «Strasse XY» and the next day I’m programming the TV of the Uzbek president in the luxury suite of his hotel. But the most beautiful moment is the car ride between two appointments conversing with my coworkers and enjoying the sunny weather in the Swiss Alps. Sometimes I also work in one of our stores. There I have to sell all kinds of electric devices and advising the customers / give advices to the customers which can sometimes be challengingly / difficult.
What I don’t like about my work are customers with bad manners. Some of them think I have to be available around the clock for them. But fortunately, that`s the exception.

What are your (professional) plans for the future?
Although I like my current job, I want to switch back to project management when I finished the Matura. Maybe I start up my own company and will consult other companies or institutions with their projects. For this, I must still collect some experience.
My first target / aim is to finish school and then I can think forwards.
I have the fortune to have had a lot of experience in different areas in my professional life which makes me being in demand in the world of employment / working environment / professional world / world of labour.
An important point for my goals is a network in the technology industry. This is not always simple here in Switzerland and requires a lot of knowledge to assure the counterpart of my skills.
However, I’m on the right way / track / path to meet / master this challenge also.

Anmerkung: den Begriff Matura gibt es im Englischen nicht!
Auswahl: school leaving examination / matriculation / Higher School Certificate

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