diary entry : orphans
Frage: diary entry : orphans(2 Antworten)
Hallo ihr lieben, könntet ihr bitte mein Tagebucheintrag mal durchlesen und mir Verbesserungstipis geben ? Ich möchte den nämlich bei der Lehrerin abgeben, Danke. Dear diary , My daily entries are almost always the same . . . but today and the night were probably the worst hours of my life. We had a terrible storm last night. All my clothes are wet and I`m freezing . The storm destroyed my self erected tent of sticks. My whole little home is destroyed . . . everything is dirty, wet and devastated. I didn`t eat anything today and drank just one last little drop from my water bottle. It`s horrible… I`m totally hungry and thirsty. I don`t have the strength to go to the next river to get water . I don`t know what to do anymore . . . . . Nobody is there to warm me up, to give me new strength and love me. I long so much for my family . Can you believe that ? What would you do in my situation ? I`m so u pset about everything that`s happened now . I hope that yo u support me in difficult times . If I had only one wish free, I would wish to be with my family . I love yo u See yo u tomorrow my diary |
Frage von MALOU5 | am 08.06.2018 - 11:14 |
Antwort von Ratgeber | 08.06.2018 - 16:43 |
Der Rest ist meines Erachtens ok. |
Antwort von MALOU5 | 08.06.2018 - 19:02 |
Danke ![]() |
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