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Brauche dringend Hilfe- Korrekturlesen diary entry

Frage: Brauche dringend Hilfe- Korrekturlesen diary entry
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Creative Writing

Write a diary entry from a person who has been on the March on Washington in 1963

Dear Diary,

Great news! :)

You already know about the plans for our march on Washington on August.
It happened yesterday. By 11 o`clock in the morning, more than 200.000 had gathered by the Washington Monument, where the march was to begin. It was a diverse crowd: black and white, rich and poor, young and old, Hollywood stars and everyday people. Despite the fears that had prompted extraordinary precautions, those assembled marched peacefully. We walked down Constitution and independence avenues then gathered before the Lincoln Monument for speeches, songs and prayers.
Many speakers were allowed to express themselves, like me.
I decided to sing a song for bringing the nation together. Singing connects and awakes feelings and emotions. It was amazing to sing in such an amazing atmosphere. The crowd supported me in every way that was possible. The sing along, sway like the do with shanties, grab hands and made me feel great. The nation was put togheter no matter whether white or black. The wish or better say goal comes true. One nation and no differences between white or black. All the time we kept an eye to the Lincoln memorial keeping in mind our pioneer clearing the way by his emancipation plocramation.
However there were great speakers, too. The speech of James Farmer, imprisoned in Louisiana was read by McKissick. He calls for fighting for economic equality. His imprisonment sends a signal. King, the last speaker of the day, stirred the audience by his “ I have a dream” finale. His charisma intensified his statements. The crowd was quiet faszinaded and captivated by it. Even for me it was the best end of the march I had ever expected.

The march ended at 4:20 in the afternoon. The organizers met with Kennedy.
What do you think? Was the march successful?
In my opinion it was a symbol of all segregation and a chance for a new beginning. It had been powerful and peaceful. A step in the right direction.

Fastinated by this experiences I will go to bed now.

Good Night.
Love, ….

Danke, Jule.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 17.11.2010 - 11:35

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