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letter of complainz

Frage: letter of complainz
(6 Antworten)

Beiträge 3
Ich bin 40 Jahre und tue mich sehr schwer mit Englisch.
Ich muss für die Schule einen letter of complaint schreiben. Habe aber keine Ahnung wie ich Anfangen soll. Weiß es nicht einmal wie ich es auf Deutsch schreiben sollte. Danke für eure Hilfe in voraus.

Dies ist die Aufgabenstellung:

You have a small business which specialises in printing T-shirts. You recently received an order from Mr. Chris Smith from the USA. Unfortunately there is a copyright issue with the design he has chosen. Write a business email to Mr. Smith to inform him the problem.

In your business email you should:
- refer to the product he purchased.
-explain what the problem is.
-suggest a solution.

Write a suitable beginning an ending for your email. Write around 250 words.

Product: Classic T-shirt, red, M
Design: (you deside)
Date of purchase: January 28
Estimated date of delivery: February 9-15
Price: € 14,99
Postage to USA: €8,99 (insurance included)
Totall: € 23,98
Frage von IngRenti | am 03.12.2017 - 11:05

Beiträge 40
Antwort von olgar | 04.12.2017 - 16:48
Dear Mr. Chris Smith,

I appreciate the orders you have sent us in the past. It is fantastic to work with you. I looked over your recent order of medium red,
classic t-shirts. You placed the order on January 28th and were requesting a delivery date of between February 9-15th. The previously stated costs are not a problem.
Looking at the "angel" design, we found out that the design is copyrighted. With all the designs that exist, it is sometimes hard not to violate copyright laws. I had our designer change a few things in the design. They came up with four different alternative designs for you to look at. I feel that they still meet the demands of your original comission. Plus, the alternative designs will not infringe on any copyrights.
Please look these over within the next two days. If you like one of the four options, we can still meet your delivery deadline. You can also propose other changes to the design. However, those changes would have to be looked at for compliance with the copyright laws.
I am looking forward to working with you and resolving this matter, so we can get you the desired product you want on time.

If there are any questions please write or call.

Thank you


Du musst aufpassen, nicht zu lange Sätze zu schreiben. Lange Sätze suggerieren im deutschsprachigem Raum Intelligenz, gelten aber im englischsprachigem Raum als verwirrend und schlecht geschrieben. Selbst bei formalen und akademischen Texten. Außerdem nicht zu oft dasselbe Wort benutzen ("Design"). Hoffe, es hilft weiter. Und auch gar nicht so schlecht geschrieben, muss ich sagen :)

Beiträge 0
Antwort von Ritchy (ehem. Mitglied) | 03.12.2017 - 13:15
Also es geht um einen Beschwerdebrief/ eine Reklamation an Mr. Smith wegen Urheberrechtsfragen an seinem ausgewählten T-Shirt-Aufdruck. Berichte ihm über seine gekauften Produkte, erkläre ihm das Problem und biete ihm eine Lösung an.
Als Design könnte Mr. Smith einen Aufdruck mit dem Foto des Kölner Doms ausgewählt haben, dessen Aufdruck aber widersprochen wurde, oder dafür Geld verlangt wurde. Daher schlägst Du vor, lieber das Taj mahal in Indien aufzudrucken.
Danach stellst Du ihm die Preisangaben vor, entschuldigst Dich für die kleine Panne und teilst ihm ausdrücklich mit, daß Du an einer Geschäftsverbindung mit Mr. Smith interessiert bist.

Beiträge 0
Antwort von Ritchy (ehem. Mitglied) | 03.12.2017 - 13:25
Korrekturen:...which is specialised in printing...;...beginning and ending...; You decide, or your decision...

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 03.12.2017 - 14:11
Und es heisst

letter of complaint
to make a complaint
to make a complaint about ...
to have grounds for complaint
to have a reason to complain
________________________ - Team

Beiträge 3
Antwort von IngRenti | 03.12.2017 - 19:24
Danke für die Hilfen. Werde mich nun dahinter setzen.

Beiträge 3
Antwort von IngRenti | 04.12.2017 - 08:04
Dear Mr. Chris Smith

I appreciate the orders you have sent us in the past, and it is fantastic to work with you. I looked over your recent order of medium red, Classic t-shirts. You placed the order on January 28th, and were requesting a delivery date of between February 9-15th. The cost quoted is not a problem.
In looking at the "angel" design, we found out that design has a copyright existing, for the design. With all the designs that exist, it is sometimes hard not to violate copyright laws. I have had our design person change a few things in the design. The design person came up with four different alternative designs, for you to look at. I feel that these designs still meet the intent of your original design. Plus, the alternative designs will not infringe on existing copyright designs.
If you would please look these over within the next two days, and if you like one of the four designs, we can still meet your delivery dead line. You can also propose other changes to the design, that can be looked at for compliance with the copyright laws.
I look forward to working with you and resolving this matter, so we can get you the desired product you want, and on time.

If any questions please write or call.

Thank you

Beiträge 40
Antwort von olgar | 04.12.2017 - 16:48
Dear Mr. Chris Smith,

I appreciate the orders you have sent us in the past. It is fantastic to work with you. I looked over your recent order of medium red,
classic t-shirts. You placed the order on January 28th and were requesting a delivery date of between February 9-15th. The previously stated costs are not a problem.
Looking at the "angel" design, we found out that the design is copyrighted. With all the designs that exist, it is sometimes hard not to violate copyright laws. I had our designer change a few things in the design. They came up with four different alternative designs for you to look at. I feel that they still meet the demands of your original comission. Plus, the alternative designs will not infringe on any copyrights.
Please look these over within the next two days. If you like one of the four options, we can still meet your delivery deadline. You can also propose other changes to the design. However, those changes would have to be looked at for compliance with the copyright laws.
I am looking forward to working with you and resolving this matter, so we can get you the desired product you want on time.

If there are any questions please write or call.

Thank you


Du musst aufpassen, nicht zu lange Sätze zu schreiben. Lange Sätze suggerieren im deutschsprachigem Raum Intelligenz, gelten aber im englischsprachigem Raum als verwirrend und schlecht geschrieben. Selbst bei formalen und akademischen Texten. Außerdem nicht zu oft dasselbe Wort benutzen ("Design"). Hoffe, es hilft weiter. Und auch gar nicht so schlecht geschrieben, muss ich sagen :)

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