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Film review "Warm Bodies" Bitte korrigieren

Frage: Film review "Warm Bodies" Bitte korrigieren
(1 Antwort)

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Ich muss bald eine mündliche Prüfung machen in Englisch und einen film vorstellen, wäre echt nett wenn ihr mir eure Meinung zu meiner film review sagt und gegebenenfalls Fehler korrigieren könntet :)

Warm Bodies-Zombies mit Herz

My film is "Warm Bodies".
It`s a romantic, horror film. It was directed by Jonathan Levine. The running time is 97 minutes. And the film is based on the book "Warm Bodies" by Isaac Marion.

Main characters
The main characters are Julie and R.
R is a young zombie from only mild decay, with dark hair, pale scarred skin and grey eyes. He lives in a plane and his favourite food is brain because then he eats brain he can revives the memories of this person. R is played by Nicholas Hoult.
Julie is a teenager, she is the daughter of the group leader General Grigio. She has wavy blond hair, blue eyes and fair skin. Julie is played by Teresa Palmer.

The film is set in Canada, USA. It`s about
Post-apocalyptic in the USA, the survivors live in a city surrounded by walls that separate them from the living dead. Their leader General Grigio sends a group of teenagers, including his daughter Julie, her boyfriend Perry and her friend Nora, armed and with military experience, to the outside to collect food, medicaments and supplies for the population. However, they are surprised by a group of zombies. One of them is R, he`s a young zombie without recollections, R eats Perry`s brain and revives his memories and he falls in love with Julie. R saves Julie from the other zombies and hides her in the plane where he lives. Soon the zombies including R change their emotions and are capable to dream. R begin to regaining his humanity. But the fearful Bonies are seeking out Julie and R. The humans and the zombies fighting together against the Bonies, and they win. Later the other zombies begin to regaining their humanity too. At the end they live all together and R is Julie`s new boyfriend.

Specials about this film
Warm Bodies has amazing costumes. The film won an teen choice award. Nicholas Hoult was nominated in the category choice movie breakout.

Personal opinion To sum up, I love this film because the fantastic story and my favourite scene in the film is when R and Julie are in the plane. People who like romantic and horror films will like this film. You must see it.
Frage von x.kleine_zimt_zicke. (ehem. Mitglied) | am 23.04.2017 - 16:57

Beiträge 2582
Antwort von Ratgeber | 23.04.2017 - 23:20
  • He lives in a plane and his favourite food is brain, because if he eats brain he can relive the memories of his victim .
  • The film was shot in Canada, USA
  • In a post-apocalyptic USA, the survivors live in a city surrounded by walls that separate them from the living dead. (wenn Du schon Texte aus dem Netz kopierst, solltest Du das schon richtig machen...)

Dieser Absatz ist - außer einigen kleinen Einschüben - ist komplett geklaut...
Their leader General Grigio sends a group of teenagers, including his daughter Julie, her boyfriend Perry and her friend Nora, armed and with military experience, to the outside to collect food, medicaments and supplies for the population. However, they are surprised by a group of zombies. One of them is R, he`s a young zombie without recollections, R eats Perry`s brain and revives his memories and he falls in love with Julie. R saves Julie from the other zombies and hides her in the plane where he lives. Soon the zombies including R change their emotions and are capable to dream.
  • R begins to regain his humanity.
  • The humans and the zombies are fighting together against the Bonies, and they win. Later the other zombies start regaining their humanity, too. At the end they live altogether and R is Julie`s new boyfriend.
  • The actor Nicholas Hault won the Teen Choice Award for Choice Breakout (Der Film selber wurde nur mehrmals nominiert, gewann aber keinen Preis)
ich habe lediglich die Fehler korrigiert (inhaltlich und grammatikalisch)

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