Ayub Khan-Din - East is east: Review Nachverbesserung!
Frage: Ayub Khan-Din - East is east: Review Nachverbesserung!(4 Antworten)
Hallo :) ich sollte ein review über den Film east is east schreiben. Meine Aufgaben lauten 2 Choose oppropriate vocabulary eg critical, ironic, sarcastic, enthusiastic 3 Think of a good introduction it sholud arouse the inerest of the reader and not just consist of the film´s title and director 4 End your review with a conlusion that fits the message you have been conveying throughhout the review Ich wäre sehr dankbar wenn ihr meine Fehler berichtigt, etwas ergänzt und eine gute Einleitung empfehlen würdet, weil eine bessere fällt mir nicht ein. Ich bedanke mich jetzt schon für die Mühe! I would like to write a review about the film East is East. I want to start with two positive aspects. The first scene which I prefere is as the mother Ella Khan protects her children, she is a great mother and is always for the children there. The second scene which I like is as the children get together and protect their mother. Now I explain why I don´t like the film, there are many reasons. At first I want to make clear that not every Muslim reacts like George Khan. I critizes the violent scenes and the insults because I don´t think that this is funny. The film shows the religion to be a Muslem as bad. An other important reason why I don´t like this film is the scene with the arranged marriage. Yes it´s right that for long time ago it happend and today there still exsists but not every Muslem country is so. All in all I want to say that I don´t like this film. Of course they can criticise the Muslem as a religion but not in this way. I want to make clear that not every Man hit his wife and of course not every Muslem! Our religion is opposed, and I also think that everyone can choose his/her religion itself nobody can be forced to have a religion or married someone. [quote]Ich musste aufgrund der schlechten Note mein Review noch einmal bearbeiten, kann das bitte jemand durchlesen und meine Fehler berichtigen? [b]===>> siehe weitern Post vom 12.02.2013 weiter unten! ! |
Frage von yy92 | am 21.01.2013 - 15:39 |
Antwort von cleosulz | 23.01.2013 - 18:07 |
http://www.killermovies.com/e/eastiseast/reviews/ http://german.about.com/library/blfilmvoc2.htm ________________________ e-Hausaufgaben.de - Team |
Antwort von yy92 | 12.02.2013 - 18:08 |
Ich musste aufgrund der schlechten Note mein Review noch einmal bearbeiten, kann das bitte jemand durchlesen und meine Fehler berichtigen? Neuer Versuch: I want to write a review about the film East is East. At first I tell you two positive aspects. The scene in which the mother Ella Khan protects her children, she is a great mother and is always there for her children. Another scene which I like is while the children get together and protect their mother. We are able to see the cohesion of the family members. Now I want to enumerate why I don´t like the film. At first I want to make clear that not every Muslim reacts like the father George Khan. Of course I´m against his behaviour and the violent scenes in this film. I´m sure that nobody laughs about it, on the contrary I am thoughtful and sad about this scenes. In my opinion shows East is East the religion to be a Muslim as a religion which includes violence and insults. The audience get the feeling what the father sais is a law nobody can say anything especially the woman have not to say. Another scene which I don´t like is with the arranged marriage. Yes it´s right that for long time ago arranged marriage was a tradicion but today you are able to find your real love alone. All in all I dislike the film because of the bad representation of the religion. I also think that everyone can criticise every religion but not in this way. The film doesn´t display the positive sides of to be a Muslim. At last I want to make clear that not every man hits his wife or his children in particular not every Muslim- Now I want to explain my opinion about the actors and the film teqniques. The actors play very realistic, I like it. The director used always the right music while the scene, for example the beginning scene it was a cheerful misic while the ceremony. The different shots makes the film more interesing and we are able to empathize with the actor and the situation. |
Antwort von ANONYM | 13.02.2013 - 09:07 |
Kann es jemand besser? ![]() Zitat: |
Antwort von goldenoldie (ehem. Mitglied) | 13.02.2013 - 11:27 |
Zitat: Ich hoffe, ich konnte etwas helfen; beachte das Zeichen "[---]" bedeutet, dass ich hier etwas gestrichen habe - und sei es auch nur das blöde Komma vor "that". Ich bin bei meiner Korrektur von der leider etwas unvollständigen Korrektur von "Anonym" ausgegangen. |
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