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Englisch Schularbeit

Frage: Englisch Schularbeit
(1 Antwort)

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Hallo, könnten Sie bitte diesen Text korregieren. Die Aufgabenstellung lautet eine Brief mit einem Problem das behandelt werden muss schreiben. Ich würde mich über eine schnelle Korrektur freuen.

I hope you can help me because I want ask you for advice for advice. Ahmed my best shool mate has fallen in love with a girl, but she thinks she is to cool for him and laughed with the othe "cool" girls at my class. That make me very agresive but thats not the poroblem. Ahmed don`t hear to me when I say: " keep your disdance from these wrong girls" but you know love is stronger than words. I hope you can help him or give me some good adivece. Thank you,

Frage von jonas2002 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 04.12.2016 - 18:46

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Antwort von Selin117 (ehem. Mitglied) | 08.12.2016 - 13:21
I hope that you are able to help me because I want to ask you for advice. Ahmed,
my best friend at school, has fallen in love with a girl, who thinks that she is too cool for him and began to laugh with her other friends in my class. That made me very angry but that is(that`s) not the problem. Ahmed doesn`t listen to me when I say: "Keep your distance from these wrong girls". But everybody knows - love is stronger than words.
I hope that you can help him or give me some advice.
Thank you

So würde ich es schreiben :D

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