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Comment-If you want to protest you have to protest peaceful

Frage: Comment-If you want to protest you have to protest peaceful
(3 Antworten)

Beiträge 2
In this comment I want to discuss the sentence "If yo want to protest you have to protest peacefully."

On the one hand it is good to make noises for example you can run into houses and brake down windows so everybody could hear you.
On the other hand it is not good to protest not peacefully because if you are an normal human you get more attention as if you are a rouwdie. For example if you were in the prison nobody takes you seriously.
It is also good to protest peacefully because if you give speeches more people could hear these or you can organize marches for example.
Considering all these arguments I think it is the best way to protest peacefully because so more people feel involved andso more people are for the things you protest for.
Frage von J.D. | am 18.05.2016 - 12:42

Beiträge 40272
Antwort von matata | 18.05.2016 - 15:36
Soll diese Arbeit korrigiert werden?

________________________ - Team

Beiträge 2
Antwort von J.D. | 19.05.2016 - 14:21
Ja das wäre nett

Beiträge 239
Antwort von Zal | 19.05.2016 - 16:16
In this comment I want to discuss the statement "If yo want to protest, you have to protest peacefully."

On the one hand it is good to make noises such as running into houses and shatter windows so everybody can hear you.

On the other hand it is not good to protest violantly, because if you are an normal human you may appear as a rowdy. For example if you were in the prison nobody would take you seriously.

It is also good to protest peacefully, because if you give speeches more people could hear these or you can organize marches for example.

Considering all these arguments I think it is the best way to protest peacefully because so more people feel involved and eventually adopt/accept the actions.

Ich habe fast nur die Fehler korrigiert. Inhatlich ist es schwach, ich würde dir empfehlen, diesen Text nochmal durchzugehen und ggf. umzuändern.

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