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Englisch- Texte: bitte korrigieren !

Frage: Englisch- Texte: bitte korrigieren !
(3 Antworten)


kann mir wer bitte die drei Texte korrigieren die ich geschrieben habe.
Wäre echt nett, da ich Probleme mit Englisch habe und ich die Texte ohne Fehler brauche.

Binge Drinking

Bing Drinking is very dangerous, because has no advantages. Bing drinking only has disadvantages.
Binge drinking can be seriously bad and harmful to health. It can expose to injury or to unnecessary risks to yourself and others.
As well as having adverse short-term effects, binge drinking can also cause long-term effects on your health and wellbeing.
The problems on bring drinking is Hangovers, Nausea, Shakiness, Alcohol poisoning and more.

2. Homework

On the one hand homework is a preparation for classwork and on the other hand gives for not doing homework punishment. With homework can you lern something and is good for school grades and for your future.
Homework is too deepening of the course material, but on the other hand teachers can´t help you when you have a problem with the homework. Homework are stressful and you have not more free time.

3. Home with parents

On the one hand the rules in your parents home are hard and on the other hand your life is not stressful, because your parents doing more for the home. Living with parents is better because you don´t need to pay the rend. Your parents cooking for you and you have more free time. Your moher cleans the room/home.
When you life alone than your must clean the room and you must cooking for you.

So das waren die Texte. Bitte korrigieren wenn etwas falsch ist ( Bestimmt vieles, aber mehr kommt von mir nicht raus )

ANONYM stellte diese Frage am 20.12.2015 - 21:04

Beiträge 5
Antwort von Tuerke | 23.12.2015 - 16:50


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Antwort von matata | 23.12.2015 - 17:35
Es tut mir leid, aber du wirst dich gedulden müssen, bis jemand diese Kontrolle macht. Es nützt nichts. wenn du spamst oder noch einen Thread eröffnest.
Schreib lieber ins nächste Antwortfeld, wie die Aufgabe oder die Frage genau hiess, die du lösen oder beantworten musstest.
________________________ - Team

Beiträge 239
Antwort von Zal | 24.12.2015 - 00:06
1. Binge drinking

Binge drinking is very dangerous, because it has no advantages. Binge drinking only has disadvantages. (wenn du schon sagst, dass es keine Vorteile hat, dann brauchst du nicht nochmal zu erwähnen, dass es nur Nachteile hat..)

Binge drinking can be dangerous and harmful for your health. It can cause (meinst du verursachen?) injuries or unnecessary risks to yourself and others.
Not only does binge drinking adverse short-term effects it also causes long-term effects regarding your health and wellbeing.
The results of bringe drinking are hangovers, nausea, Shakiness, alcohol poisoning and more.

2. Homework

On the one hand homework is a preparation for classwork and on the other hand it may result in a punishment when you don`t do it. Not only can you learn something, but also results in good grades and the steps for the future.
Homework is too deepening of the course material, but on the other hand teachers can´t help you when you have a problem with the homework (übersetze mal diesen Satz ins Deutsche). Homework is stressful and causes less free time.

3. Home with parents

On the one hand the rules in your parents home are hard and on the other hand your life is not stressful, because your parents do more at home. Living with parents is better because you don´t need to pay the rent. Your parents cook for you and you have more free time. Your mother cleans the room/home.
When you live alone, you have to clean and cook yourself.

Einiges habe ich versucht zu verbessern und umzustrukturieren, andere habe ich so gelassen und nur die Fehler verbessert (auch wenn der Satz sich sehr seltsam anhört).

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