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Frage: 2 kurze Texte korrigieren
(3 Antworten)

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Hey, wir haben eine Hausaufgabe auf. Wir sollten nämlich im Buch zwei Bilder beschreiben und ich hab` zwei Texte geschrieben, könnte mal jemand drüber gucken? (;

1. This photo shows a young man, who wears shorts and a t-shirt. He hasn’t any hairs on his head, but you can see that he is not old, maybe he is a student. This man is eating something. It looks like chocolate. He is sitting on a bed and he is looking bored. Behind him you can see a wall with three pictures which shows many people. In one of the photos you can see a class or his friends or something like that. In the two other pictures you can see a team, maybe a footbal team. Probably the boy makes sport. Also there is a supermanposter on the wall. This poster shows that this young man is a superman fan and probably a Comic fan.

2. This photo shows a young couple who is walking in a park. The woman is wearing a dress, so you can see that it is summer time. The man lay his hand on her shoulder. They are very lovely together, maybe they are married. Also it seems that the both are very happy together because they are laughing from the bottom of their heart. ( Sie lachen aus tiefstem Herzen, stimmt, das so?
Frage von C00LNESS (ehem. Mitglied) | am 02.09.2010 - 15:21

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Antwort von Copaio (ehem. Mitglied) | 02.09.2010 - 15:39
who is wearing shorts and a tshirt.

he doesnt have any hairs
pictures which show many people

couple which is walking
it seems like both are very happy

und das letzte würd ich sagen dass es falsch ist, aber keine ahnung wies wiklich heißt.

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Antwort von 1349 (ehem. Mitglied) | 02.09.2010 - 15:41
"aus tiefstem herzen lachen" ich glaube nichtmal, dass es diesen ausdruck überhaupt gibt.

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Antwort von matata | 02.09.2010 - 15:45
Haare - hair ---> gibt es nur im Singular
Die Redensart <aus tiefstem Herzen> ist richtig ausgedrückt
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