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Essay Korrekturlesen

Frage: Essay Korrekturlesen
(2 Antworten)

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ich sollte ein Essay schreiben über das Thema pro/contra Fersehen.
Grammatikalisch bin ich nicht so gut in Englisch habe es jetzt versucht.
Es wäre sehr nett wenn einer sich das Essay anschauen könnte und mit Tipps zur Grammatik gibt.
Das Problem ist das ich in Lückentexte sehr gut bin also wenn man einzelne Wörter grammatikalisch Korrekt umformen muss. Doch beim freien Schreiben mache ich sehr viele Fehler. Gibt es da Tricks beim freien Schreiben wie man da vorgeht.

Pro and Con to watch TV
Television is inherent part of a normal household. Most familys watchs Television at the evening.
Many people think Televison watching is unhealthy .N evertheless is Television the most popular medium world wide.The first moon-landing has the most viewers on the Television.This essay aims to show the pro and con arguments .

The home life is endangered because the family less communicated. Important conversations take shorter.
Televison watching is unhealthy because the users move less and eating more.
The recreation is passive not active.
Some news shows are very manipulative.
The massive violence in some blockbuster is for children not good.

The informations scope is diverts and better.
Documentations are better illustrative for the user the learning effect is better than a book.
Live views are possible the user is middle of the action.
Television watching is relaxation for everyday life.

We can say in summary tv watching is in case of improper consumption risky.
The negative arguments for watch Televison is entitled. The threat to long sit for the Televsion and children look violence movies.The parents must monitor what the children watches on the TV.
Alternative to television is over web stream (Netflix) watch videos and series this had a better monitor function for children. The last problem is the motion shortage, per day to view two hours TV every day. Before watch TV makes sport or go walk.

I`m of the opinion that the usefulness or the harmfulness depends on the behavior of individuals.
the responsibility for healthy tv watch lies with the parents or in a self.

Danke :)

Frage von Kev183 | am 11.10.2015 - 13:22

Beiträge 9
Antwort von Im_so_genius | 11.10.2015 - 14:01
Ich kann die am Anfang bisschen helfen habe grad nicht soviel Zeit um alles zu korrigieren.

Also ich würde schreiben:
Nowadays television is a very importan part of our everyday lives.Most families watch television in the evening. A lot of people think that watching tv is unhealthy.Nevertheless television is the most popular media world wide.For example the first moon-landing was watched by people all around the world on tv.This essay aims to shiw the pro and con arguments.

The home life is endangered because the family communicats less. They keep important conversations shorter.
Watching televisiom is unhealthy because the users move less and eat more.
The recreation is passive not active.
Some news shows are very manipulative.
The massive violence in some blockbuster isn`t good for children.

The information(im englischen gibt es keinen plural von informationen ;D) scope is diverts and better.
Documentations are better illustrative for the user and the learning effect is better than reading a book.
Live views are possible so the viewer is in the middle of the action.
Watching television is relaxation for everyday life.

sry hab keine zeit mehr aber du machst oft den fehler ,dass du die deutsche Grammatik benutzt bsp

Fernsehen zu schauen ....
Heißt NICHT :television watching

Im englischen kommt zuerst das verb und dann das subjekt also "watching television"
Hoffe ich konnte dir ein bisschen helfen :)

Beiträge 2
Antwort von Kev183 | 11.10.2015 - 17:07
Vielen Dank für die schnelle Antwort :)

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