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A debate on why bilingual education is gaining more ...

Frage: A debate on why bilingual education is gaining more ...
(1 Antwort)

Beiträge 11
Hallo Community,
Wir sollen in English als Hausaufgabe eine Einleitung einer Debatte zu dem Thema " Why is bilingual education gaining more and more ground in European classrooms?" schreiben.
Sie soll ca. 150 Wörter lang sein, jedoch weiß ich nicht was ich noch schreiben/verbessern soll.
Hier mein Entwurf:

Hello ladies and gentlemen,
Today we will talk about why bilingual education is gaining more and more ground in European classrooms.
This topic is very important to us because the English language is getting evermore important in the world.
A good example for a bilingual education are many universities, where the most subjects are teached in two languages.
Furthermore with a bilingual education it would be easier for the children to manage later things like their eventual career.
Frage von Kiwilino | am 13.09.2015 - 16:22

Beiträge 40272
Antwort von matata | 13.09.2015 - 17:32
Give some examples for universities teaching in two languages.
Which langues are used and in which subjects bilingual teaching is common?
________________________ - Team

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