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Why should condomes be passed out in schools?

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Why should condomes be passed out in school?

Schools are debating if condomes should be passed out in school.
Condomes should be given to the student by the school so the number of pregnant teenagers gets smaller.
It is hard for teenager Mom’s to attemp school without having problems. They might have a lack of sleep and this might lead that they cannot concentrate in class.
Some students would maybe want to protect while having sex but they might not have enough money to buy that kinda stuff. And if the school provides the condomes, this problem would be solved.
There is also the problem that some students never received a ‘sexual lesson’ and there isjust a lack of knowledge. So if the school would give condomes to the students they might even use them.
However, if the school passed out condoms, they would also save money because they would not need a day-care in the school.

Ein debate paper, wobei ich die pro seite vertreten habe. (157 Wörter)
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