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American Universities

Frage: American Universities
(9 Antworten)

Könnt ihr mir es bitte verbessern ?

If the secondary education suffers from many shortcomings, American universities are among the best in the world.
They are effective frameworks and have forged many links with the business. They enjoy considerable financial resources: for example, Harvard`s capital is 20 billion dollars. In a federal country like the United States, the university system is decentralized and institutions of higher education enjoy a wide autonomy which allows them a big flexibility.
After the Second World War experiencing student enrollment increased dramatically: the number of American students going from 3.5 to 8 million in 1960. This phenomenon is explained by the baby boom, by creating a university in west and central Canada, and finally by the donations made by major foundations.
In 2005, there were 4 182 higher education institutions in the United States, about 1 400 research units 81% of age group studied, which represents the highest rate in higher education in the world
In 1998, 35% of Americans had a graduate degree against 11% in 1970. The federal government and universities spend $ 260 billion for higher education in 2000, representing 2.6% of GDP.
Of the top ten universities in the world of academic ranking of world universities by the Jiao Tong University in Shanghai in 2006, eight are American: Harvard, Stanford, Berkeley, MIT, California Institute of Technology, Columbia, Princeton and University of Chicago .
Finally, American universities host more than 20% of three million foreign students.
There are fees for entry into university. These vary depending on the state (for public universities) or the prestige of the institution (for private universities).
The academic year is approximately 6 500 dollars in a state university and up to 40 000 dollars to Harvard. Few families can fully fund the education of their children were therefore used for scholarships, loans and student work.
ANONYM stellte diese Frage am 06.02.2010 - 12:09

Antwort von ANONYM | 06.02.2010 - 13:23
mir niemandn helfen ? :(

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Antwort von Aurinko90 (ehem. Mitglied) | 06.02.2010 - 14:05
Brauchst dus noch?
Ist ja jetzt schon ne Weile her.

Antwort von ANONYM | 06.02.2010 - 14:06
Ja, ich brauche das noch...
Wenn es nicht zu viel für dich ist, kannst du es verbessern ?!
Vielen Dank im Voraus :)

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Antwort von Aurinko90 (ehem. Mitglied) | 06.02.2010 - 14:09
Was war denn die Aufgabenstellung?

Antwort von ANONYM | 06.02.2010 - 14:12
Ein Freund von mir hat das geschrieben.
Ich glaube er muss über amerikanische Uni sprechen...

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Antwort von Aurinko90 (ehem. Mitglied) | 06.02.2010 - 14:29
If the secondary education suffers from many shortcomings, American universities are among the best in the world.

Was macht denn das "if" da? Ich würd "although" verwenden.

They are effective frameworks [...]

Sie sind wirksame Gerüste? Ich würd den Satz vielleicht umformulieren in "They are the basis of an established start into business life." - je nachdem, was du sagen wolltest.

They enjoy considerable financial resources: for example, Harvard`s capital is 20 billion dollars.

Da würd ich einfach nur die Satzstellung umstellen, ist stilistisch schöner: They enjoy considerable financial resources: Harvard`s capital, for example, is 20 billion dollars." (Obwohl ich auch hier budget statt capital verwenden würde, aber das ist egal)

After the Second World War experiencing student enrollment increased dramatically: the number of American students going from 3.5 to 8 million in 1960.

Ehm, würd ich schreiben "After the Second World War the student matriculation increased dramatically: the number of American students raised from 3.5 to 8 million in 1960."

about 1 400 research units 81% of age group studied

Versteh ich nicht?!

In 1998, 35% of Americans had a graduate degree against 11% in 1970. The federal government and universities spend $ 260 billion for higher education in 2000, representing 2.6% of GDP.

"In 1998, 35% of American citizens had a graduate degree. This is an increasing number comparing 11% in 1970. The federal government and universities spent $ 260 billion for higher education in 2000, representing 2.6% of GDP."

Of the top ten universities in the world of academic ranking of world universities by the Jiao Tong University in Shanghai in 2006, eight are American: Harvard, Stanford, Berkeley, MIT, California Institute of Technology, Columbia, Princeton and University of Chicago .

"Eight of the top ten universities in the world of are American: Harvard, Stanford, Berkeley, MIT, California Institute of Technology, Columbia, Princeton and University of Chicago." Irgendwie macht dein Satz keinen Sinn, sorry :D Deswegen hab ich Shanghai mal draußen gelassen; interessiert ja keinen im American University Text.

Finally, American universities host more than 20% of three million foreign students.

"host" ist da kein gutes Wort, die leben ja nicht IN der Uni wie bei ner Gastfamilie. Schreib einfach "20% of 3 mio. students in America come from foreign countries."

There are fees for entry into university. These vary depending on the state (for public universities) or the prestige of the institution (for private universities).

Vielleicht "There are tuition fees you need to pay at every American university. They vary depending [...]"

The academic year is approximately 6 500 dollars in a state university and up to 40 000 dollars to Harvard.

Was genau willst du hier sagen? ^^

Few families can fully fund the education of their children were therefore used for scholarships, loans and student work.

Schöner: "Just a few families can bear the costs of the higher education of their children."
Bei dem letzten Satz bin ich mir wieder nicht sicher, was du sagen willst :D

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Antwort von Aurinko90 (ehem. Mitglied) | 06.02.2010 - 14:31
"Eight of the top ten universities in the world are American [...]"

Sorry, da hab ich das "of" nicht gelöscht :D

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Antwort von Maud123 (ehem. Mitglied) | 06.02.2010 - 14:45
Vielen Dank !
Das wird ihm bestimmt helfen :)

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Antwort von Aurinko90 (ehem. Mitglied) | 06.02.2010 - 14:45
Bitte ^^

Die komischen Sätze soll er einfach weglassen... xD

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