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Englisch-Crossover the new edition1 - Hausaufgaben

Frage: Englisch-Crossover the new edition1 - Hausaufgaben
(4 Antworten)

Hallo Leute=)
Wir haben am Freitag in Englisch im Crossover1 Buch eine Nummer aufbekommen und ich bin totaaal überfordert!
kann mir bitte jemand helfen?
Die Aufgabe gehört zum Text: "The Debate over School Uniforms",den ich überhaupt nicht verstehe und lautet:
You hae been asked to write an article about the school uniform debate for the next issue of you school magazine.
Take turns to summarize the three following points about the text in German.
a the results of Brunsma´s study
b the reaction to his study
c the situation in the US regarding school uniform

ich weiß,dass die Hausaufgabe auf deutsch gemacht werden muss,aber ich bin trotzdem völlig überfordert weil ich den Text nicht verstehe!

Ich hoffe mir kann jemand weiterhelfen...
ANONYM stellte diese Frage am 10.10.2010 - 11:20

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Antwort von Dominik04 (ehem. Mitglied) | 10.10.2010 - 11:41
du den text (auf englisch?) hier nicht verlinkst oder reinstellst (achtung: urheberrecht...) können wir dir beim verständnis wohl kaum weiterhelfen.

die aufgabenstellung verstehst du aber?

Beiträge 4080
Antwort von S_A_S | 10.10.2010 - 11:52
Entweder du verrätst um was es in dem Text geht oder du musst hoffen, dass zufällig wer auftaucht, der a) das gleiche Buch hat b) motiviert ist zu helfen.

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Antwort von pink.cupcake (ehem. Mitglied) | 10.10.2010 - 12:18
The Debate over School Uniforms
By Marian Wilde
Recent data indicates that 23% of elementary schoos in the U.S. have a school uniform, but a new book makes the case that uniforms do not improe school safety or academic performance.
A.In The School Uniform Movement and What It Tells Us About American Education:
A Symbolic Crusade, David Brunsma offers a comprehensive look at the studies conducted to date on the effect of uniforms on academic performance.
B.In his research Brunsma finds that uniforms have no effect on school safety or academic achievement. Put simply , there is little difference between schools with and without a uniform in terms of violence and student´s examination results.
C.”I´m generalizing here”, says Brunsma, “but I feel stronger support and understanding of the results from teachers who are working every day in the classroom. School principals, on th other hand, seem to have more of a problem with the results and arguments presented in my work. Principals want to simply disregard rigorous, scientific study of the issue.”
D.The school uniform movement has noe spread to about a quarter of all elementary schools. Experts say that the number of high school with uniforms is about half the number of elementary schools.
E.Uniforms are supposed to curb school violence and improve academic results. Why are they not more relevant in high schools then? These goals are just as important there as they are in elementary schools. Because, notes Brunsma, “It´s much more difficult to introduce uniforms in high schools. The students resistance is much, much higher. Of course, this uniform debate is also about whether children have rights!”

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Antwort von pink.cupcake (ehem. Mitglied) | 10.10.2010 - 12:47
und?checkts jemand?

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