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use words given in capitals for each sentence and change it

Frage: use words given in capitals for each sentence and change it
(2 Antworten)

Hi,example: Travel and tourism continue to boom desprite (1)________     economic.              recure  => recurring

My text:
One quarter of all young people between the ages of 18 and 25 take what is called a gap year, spending time between school and university or before starting work. Most go to third world countrues to teach street children or help with (1)____________  projects.         CONSERVE
Meanwhile there are hundreds of organisations provuding overseas volunteering in countrues all over the world. These (2)______ come in a lot of criticism: a number of schemer are said to be (3)________ planned and supported, ultimately (4)___________ no one apart from the travel companies that organise them.  OCCASION // BAD // BENEFIT 
One the other hand, doing a gap year is (5)_________ the chance of a lifetime.   QUESTION                                          
 It enables young people to develop new skills and, in those cases where they are paid, to receive much-needed (6)_______ assintance with theor studies.         FINANCE 
A gap year can sharpen an awareness of individual (7)_________ and weaknesses.  STRONG
Employers also like to see (8)_________ of a well-rounded personality as part of a CV.  EVIDENT 

ANONYM stellte diese Frage am 16.08.2015 - 14:04

Beiträge 2582
Antwort von Ratgeber | 16.08.2015 - 16:53
  1. conservation
  2. occasionally  
  3. badly
  4. benefitting
  5. without question
  6. financial
  7. strengths
  8. evidence

Schau Deinen Text aber bitte noch mal auf Rechtschreibfehler durch (oft die Nachbartaste auf der Tastatur erwischt...)

Beiträge 4
Antwort von madeleine_ib | 19.08.2015 - 19:13
Vielen Lieben Dank :)
Ich habe noch eine weitere Frage/Aufgabe gestellt. Hätten sie eventuell noch zeit und Lusr diese anzuschauen? Hier wäre der link dazu 

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