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Essay Korrektur lesen

Frage: Essay Korrektur lesen
(2 Antworten)


wäre jemand so lieb und ließt mein essay Korrektur? Bezüglich der Grammatik,
inhaltlich etc.

Ich bin für konstruktive Kritik ganz offen.

Lieben Dank im Voraus.

What you learned from the course marketing?   A few yearsago I took part in the course “Marketing” before.
I get an insight to thistopic in my training as office management assessment and in my a-level. After myfirst marketing course I feel irritated of all concepts. Before this course Ididn’t recognize marketing of companies. All in all marketing was veryinteresting for me. I am so fascinating especially of buying behavior ofcustomers in supermarket. That’s why I decided to describe how the concept ofsupermarket influenced me at the first entering in supermarket. Today myperception has been change in comparison with the past.   For examplein penny’s supermarket fruits and vegetables are front at the entrance. I lookedaround what I wanted to buy. That was the beginning of trouble for me. For instancethe strawberries looked so red and I was associating this with a delicioustaste. My visual sense was activating. But I knew the supermarket trick. Abovethe fruits and vegetables counter are special lights which outwit our visual sense.With these lights the customer can’t see if the fruits or vegetables arespoiled and in addition their colors are emphasized. In the course I learned thismarketing instrument. Before my first marketing course I didn’t know that and Iwas shocked to find out this. At last shopping in supermarket I took a closerlook and discovered that many of the strawberry packs were spoiled. ConsequentlyI didn’t buy anyone. The nextsurprise for me was that I recognized the new radio in the background. Theyplayed music and then it come the message from the speakers that this radiostation has only been developed for the customers of the penny’s supermarket. Iforgot the music in background very fast because the sound was very discreetly butit was my kind of music. Such kind of instrument tried to create an unconsciousemotion even the customers didn’t perceive the music. In this way they alsosteer the behavior of buyers and improve the supermarket image. If a buyer isstressed before she/he will enter the supermarkets then she/he gets a positiveemotion. This cause can help to increase sales. A satisfied customer bringsmore turnovers. I hope it didn’t work for me. The biggesttemptation waited on the checkout. There were so many single packed candies andoffers of candies. When there isn’t a queue, the customer has luck. When thereis a queue then the customer is exposed to the temptation. Sometimes I can’tresist buying one of the “kinder Überraschungsei”. I don’t want ignore everymarketing concept.   This was ashort insight of my supermarket hurdles. I learned a lot of this course. Theyare so many marketing instruments for customers, television viewer, walkers butalso for employees. After my newly acquired knowledge I was carefully and lookedcloser what the marketing target is. In some situations marketing instruments werealso very annoying for me. But now I accept it but I try to get not in themarketing trap.     Normal 0 21 false false false DE X-NONE X-NONE
ANONYM stellte diese Frage am 11.05.2015 - 14:32

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Antwort von matata | 11.05.2015 - 14:42
Wie hiess die genaue Aufgabenstellung oder der Arbeitsauftrag?

________________________ - Team

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Antwort von Capri (ehem. Mitglied) | 11.05.2015 - 15:25
Diese hat die Dozentin nicht schriftlich ausformuliert, sondern einfach mündlich gesagt, dass wir ein essay schreiben sollen, was wir bei in dem Kurs "Marketing" gelernt haben.

Ich dachte, anhand von Beispielen ist es am besten zu erläutern. Wir sollen ca. 1 Seite dafür verwenden.

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