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Rowling, J.-Harry Potter/The Philosopher`s Stone: Korrektur?

Frage: Rowling, J.-Harry Potter/The Philosopher`s Stone: Korrektur?
(7 Antworten)

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 Hallo Leute...Ich soll mir ein Buch aussuchen, was ich gelesen habe und soll darüber schreiben (Autor kurze Inhaltsangabe, Statement, Autor ,Titel, Genre...usw also eine Art "book report"

Ich beginne mit einer EInleitung (Zitat) dann mit dem Haupteil (Infos üebrdas Buch) und am Ende wie ich es finde.

"Dear Mr.
Potter, We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

or ?
 “I tell you, that dragon`s the most horrible animal I`ve ever met, but the way Hagrid goes on about it, you`d think it was a fluffy little bunny rabbit.”

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone is a the first part of seven fantasy novelsy, which is written by the British author Joanne K. Rowling. The story, who was playing in the country United Kingdom, was published on 26 June 1997 by Bloomsbury (UK).

Harry Potter , a shy 11 years old young boy lost his parents when he was 1 years old.  After the dead of his parents he have to visit his relations - the sister of her mother, aunt Petunia, the uncle Vernont and his cousin Dudley near by London
Harry experience from Hagrid that he is the son of a famous wizard and a famous witch. There were from Lord Voldemord, who have the absolut power of the wizard world, killed.
He wanted to kill Harry too, but from a unknown reason, malfunctioned the wizard power of Voldemord and he scar for Harry (eine NArbe für Harry hinterlassen). For this reason Voldemor lost a big power.
Hagrid cares that Harry goes at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
There he meet his eventual best friends - Ron and Hermine.
They soon find that a secretly small packet is in Hogwarts hidden. It is maybe a faboulous stone, who can give them wealth and a long life .
For this reason they want to find the stone, because they are afraid that the stone get in false hands (Lord Voldemord). At the way they must overcome a lot of wizary. The race of the time can begin!

In my opinion this book is one of the best that I have been read. I read the book in German but I am want to read the next part in Englsih, to see how simple or difficult the language is.
The story is very good written and I even would read it even next timer again. I would recommend who likes fantasy and a lot of action.
The world from Rowling is very diverse and the figures are intriguing.
Read it ! You won`t regret it.


Wäre über eine Kontrolle sehr froh, Sprache ; Rechtschreibung, Grammatik,..
Frage von Genie_0 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 28.02.2015 - 16:07

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Antwort von Raya6 | 28.02.2015 - 18:02
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone is the first part of seven fantasy novels written by the British author Joanne K. Rowling. The story was published on 26 June 1997 by Bloomsbury in the UK.

Harry Potter was a shy 11 year-old boy,
who lost his parents when he was one year old.  After the death of his parents he had to live with his relatives: the sister of his mother aunt Petunia, her husband the uncle Vernont and their son Dudley near London. 
Harry was told by Hagrid that he was the son of a famous wizard and a famous witch. They were killed by Lord Voldemord, who had the absolut power in the wizard world.
Lord Voldemord wanted to kill Harry too, but it did not work. For an unknown reason, the wizard powers of Voldemord were transmitted on Harry leaving a scar on Harry`s forehead. So Voldemor lost some of his powers.
Hagrid took care about Harry going to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
There Harry met his eventual best friends - Ron and Hermine.
They soon found out that a secretly small package was hidden in Hogwarts. It was a fabulous stone that could give them wealth and a long life.
That is why they wanted to find the stone before it gets in the false hands of Lord Voldemord. On the way they must go through a lot of wizardry. And the race with the time begins!

In my opinion this book is one of the best that I have ever read. I read the book in German but I want to read the next part in English, to see how simple or difficult the language is.
The story is very well written and I would even read it once more again. I would recommend it to all who like fantasy and a lot of action.
The world from Rowling is very diverse and the figures are intriguing.
Read it ! You won`t regret it.

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 28.02.2015 - 16:35
Wie heisst das Buch? Ich würde es gern in den Titel schreiben...
________________________ - Team

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Antwort von bts | 28.02.2015 - 16:43
Am Ende würde ich es so machen
I would recommend this book for peole for People who likes fantasy and action.
In my opinion this book is one of the best book i have read.
Because I already read it in German i think it was good to read it in English too, to improve my English and see how different it is.
When i read it in English i though it would be diffucult but it was actually good.I could understand it all , there was maybe some words but i could look these word up.
So To sum up i would say this  story was really good so that i would read it again.

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Antwort von Genie_0 (ehem. Mitglied) | 28.02.2015 - 17:27
@ matata
Wie der Titel jetzt heißt?

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (Harry Potter und der Stein des Weisen)
Habe ich doch geschrieben..?Oder meinst du was anderes?

@ bts
OKay Dankeschön für die Hilfe
Stimmt die Sprache ;=)`? im Hauptteil?

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Antwort von Genie_0 (ehem. Mitglied) | 28.02.2015 - 17:34

Beiträge 29
Antwort von bts | 28.02.2015 - 17:37
@ ka paar fehler vttl. . Ich würde nur das wichtigste schreiben und nicht alles .. du hast irgendwo irgendwie alle namen geschrieben (london) kam danach. ich würde bei verwandten schreiben Oderso xd
He she it das s muss mit 
Schau mal nach hab da fehler gesehen z.b he meets his .... nicht he meet :)

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Antwort von Raya6 | 28.02.2015 - 18:02
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone is the first part of seven fantasy novels written by the British author Joanne K. Rowling. The story was published on 26 June 1997 by Bloomsbury in the UK.

Harry Potter was a shy 11 year-old boy,
who lost his parents when he was one year old.  After the death of his parents he had to live with his relatives: the sister of his mother aunt Petunia, her husband the uncle Vernont and their son Dudley near London. 
Harry was told by Hagrid that he was the son of a famous wizard and a famous witch. They were killed by Lord Voldemord, who had the absolut power in the wizard world.
Lord Voldemord wanted to kill Harry too, but it did not work. For an unknown reason, the wizard powers of Voldemord were transmitted on Harry leaving a scar on Harry`s forehead. So Voldemor lost some of his powers.
Hagrid took care about Harry going to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
There Harry met his eventual best friends - Ron and Hermine.
They soon found out that a secretly small package was hidden in Hogwarts. It was a fabulous stone that could give them wealth and a long life.
That is why they wanted to find the stone before it gets in the false hands of Lord Voldemord. On the way they must go through a lot of wizardry. And the race with the time begins!

In my opinion this book is one of the best that I have ever read. I read the book in German but I want to read the next part in English, to see how simple or difficult the language is.
The story is very well written and I would even read it once more again. I would recommend it to all who like fantasy and a lot of action.
The world from Rowling is very diverse and the figures are intriguing.
Read it ! You won`t regret it.

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Antwort von Genie_0 (ehem. Mitglied) | 28.02.2015 - 21:35

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