Inhaltsangabe von Harry Potter Chapter One

Chapter one of Harry Potter: The Boy Who Lived
Mr and Mrs Dursley live in Privet Drive 4 with their son Dudley. Their biggest fear is to see the Potters again, because they think they’re strange, unDursleyish and they just don’t like them. Lilly Potter is Mrs Dursley’s sister.
One day something strange was going on. Mr Dursley wanted to go to work, when he saw an odd cat, which was reading a map. This was the first strange thing on this day. The second followed during the break at work, when he saw lots of people wearing cloaks. These people were talking about the Potters and Harry, their son, what Mr Dursley had heard. Immediately he got nervous. When he arrived at home he heard on TV, that lots of other strange things had happened, like many owls flying during the day and shooting stars. He decided to tell his wife nothing about this. After a while he saw the black cat again, still sitting on the edge of the garden wall, and reading a sign, this time.
Die Ihnhaltsangabe von Chapter One aus dem enlischem Harry Potter Buch (Philospher's Stone). (297 Wörter)
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