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Hausaufgabe: Isabell Werth

Alles zu Ausarbeitungen, Interpretationen und Zusammenfassungen

Isabell Werth

My favourite sportswoman is Isabell Werth. She is the best dressage rider in the world. She was born on the 21stof July in 1969. Her birthplace is Severlen in the Rhineland. She went to school from 1976-1989, her favourite subjects were sport and religion. Then she studied law until 2000. When she was 5 years old, she started horse-riding on here pony Illa. She had her first successes in tournaments with her pony Funny. As a teenager she loved show jumping and 3-day events. At the age of 17 she was asked by a doctor to ride some of his horses. She won many tournaments with them, especially on Gigolo. Gigolo became the most successful horse of all times as a dressage horse. Gigolo was born in 1983. His first great success he had with Isabell Werth at the European Championship in 1991, where they won gold – alone and with their time.
The same happened in 1993, 1995 and 1997. In 1994 and 1998 they and won gold medals at the Weltreiterspiele (an international tournament) in De Haage and Rome. All of her six Olympic medals Isabell Werth has won on Gigolo. Later her parents bought her the horses she had worked with. Although she travelled a lot, she did her “Abitur” and studied. After that she worked as a lawyer for one year. Then she worked for her new sponsor Karstadt in the marketing department. In the year 2004 she became self employed. Today she has her own training stables with 22 boxes in Rheinberg. After Gigolo she has now new successful horses and she still wins many international tournaments as you can see.
She is planning to be a professional for the next 10 years and she thinks she will work with horses all her live. With her successes she has shown that talent and luck are not enough. Discipline, hard work and patience are important as well in sport as in one’s profession.
Isabell Werth is my personal role model.

My 5 questions:
1. When and where was Isabell Werth born?
2. What was her best horse?
3. What was her greatest success?
4. What did Isabell Werth study?
5. Where does she live now?

My 5 questions:
1. When and where was Isabell Werth born?
2. What was her best horse?
3. What was her greatest success?
4. What did Isabell Werth study?
5. Where does she live now?

Die Datei beinhaltet einen kurzen Text über die bekannte Dressureiterin und behandelt folgende Fragen:

1. When and where was Isabell Werth born?
2. What was her best horse?
3. What was her greatest success?
4. What did Isabell Werth study?
5. Where does she live now?

(Englisch, ) (406 Wörter)
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