Teenagers and Violence

Hausaufgabe Englisch: 07.09.1999
My own opinion about the methods mentioned
Many people claim that brutal computergames, sex and violence in movies or on TV, or even some song-lyrics should be the reason for the increasing violence by teenagers. This might be true, but only a few procent of these aggressive teenagers are influenced by those materials that strong. There is no doubt that most of these teenagers are strongly influenced by their friends and their families. No usuall child would start wearing weapons or even attacking other people on his own. I am quite certain that if a teenager is in a gang, this gang can get him doing everything they want. If this gang for example hates another gang, this teenager would sooner or later hate that gang, too. So the best solution would be to build facilities where teenagers can meet other people and communicate with them are even do sports with them, for example basketball. Parents should also be responsable for their childrens criminal or violent actions. If parent always punish their children or shout at them, these children will also start punishing or shouting at other people. The teenagers themselfes should be offended by greater penalties to intimidate (( einschüchtern ) them. The government should also inform them about the results of violence, about people who died in the gang-wars and about the dangers of wearing weapons. All in all there are a lot of things that can and also should be done to reduce teenage violence.
Why are teenagers getting more and more aggressive? (251 Wörter)
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