Englisch Sätze -> bitte meine Antworten konrollieren
Frage: Englisch Sätze -> bitte meine Antworten konrollieren(4 Antworten)
Hallo e-Hausaufgaben Community, erst mal Entschuldigung für den Titel mir ist jetzt nichts besseres eingefallen. Ich wäre froh, wenn bitte jemand über diese Aufgabe rüber schauen und korrigieren könnte. Aufgabe 1 Bradley Food Systems have invited four employees from a food company in Germany to visit them for thress days because they are interested in using some of Bradley`s products in their food production. Bitte nur die Antworten von Katrin korrigieren. Ich habe die Antworten von Katrin unterstrichen. Helen: Of course I have to book a hotel for them. What sort of hotel do you think they would feel the most comfortable in? Katrin: I think a 4-star all inclusive hotel is there quite well. Helen: What about when they visit the company itself? Obviously, they will need a lot of information about the products which they are interested in but what else do you think we should do with them? Katrin: Create a survey with the products so as to find out what the four employees interested in. You can send them via email. And ask in the email the four employees want to visit the company itself. Helen: Then there`s the problem of restaurants. What sort of food do you think they would enjoy the most? Katrin: I would ask the four employees in an email, which like to eat. If anyone of them a vegetarian, you`re looking for a restaurante serves vegetarian food and no vegetarian food. Helen: We have to entertain them too. What activities or trips should we plan for them? Katrin: I would go to a karaoke bar for a night and make a city tour. Helen: You`re the only one here who speaks German fluently. I wonder how good their English is. Do we need to hire a translator? Katrin: Yes, I would invite a translator. Helen: Finally, I have to organise some gifts for them to take home with them. What do you think would be suitable? Katrin: Trifles by the company as a pen and a notepad and perhaps a small chocolate bar. Aufgabe 2 Hier sollte ich schreiben, was ich machen oder sagen würde zu den folgenden Situationen. Meine Antworten habe ich wieder unterstrichen. 1. One of your visitors has drunk four glasses of wine and is planning to drive home himsel/herself. - Someone else should drive him home. 2. You are visiting a costumer who offers you something to eat which you really dislike. - I would ask if I can get something to eat other. 3. You are sitting next to someone at dinner and you can`t remember their name. - I would politely ask for the name and apologize that I could not remember the name. 4. At dinner one of your colleagues starts to talk about the difficult political situation in the country which your guest comes from. - I would say to my colleagues, not to talk about it. 5. You have bought expensive tickets for the opera but your guest mentions that he really dislike it. - I would ask someone else. Or I go alone. Aufgabe 3 Hier sollte ich diese 4 Frage beantworten: 1. How difficult/easy do you find learning Englisch? 2. What aspect do you enjoy/hate? 3. What hints would you give someone who wants to learn Englisch? 4. What are you going to do in the future to further improve your English or to make sure that you don`t forget what you have learnt? Meine Antworten: 1. To learn English alone is okay, but together it`s more fun. 2. About a topic to write a text and have a certain number of words in this text, that I hate. Otherwise, I see it neutral. 3. Always have someone there with whom you can learn English together. And do not give up. 4. I read English books and watching Englisch movies. I do not understand the words I look up in a dictionary. Ich bedanke mich schon mal bei allen, die es korrigieren. Lg, Luxichan |
Frage von Luxichan | am 19.10.2014 - 11:02 |
Antwort von LsD | 19.10.2014 - 21:41 |
Aufgabe 1: Helen: Of course I have to book a hotel for them. What sort of hotel do you think they would feel the most comfortable in? Katrin: I think a 4-star all inclusive hotel is Helen: What about when they visit the company itself? Obviously, Katrin: Create a survey with the products Helen: Then there`s the problem of restaurants. What sort of food do you think they would enjoy the most? Katrin: I would ask the four employees in an email, what they like to eat. If anyone of them is a vegetarian, you`re looking for a restaurant Helen: We have to entertain them too. What activities or trips should we plan for them? Katrin: I would go to a karaoke bar at night and make a city tour. Helen: You`re the only one here who speaks German fluently. I wonder how good their English is. Do we need to hire a translator? Katrin: Yes, I would invite a translator. Helen: Finally, I have to organise some gifts for them to take home with them. What do you think would be suitable? Katrin: Trifles by the company as a pen (?) and a notepad and perhaps a small chocolate bar. ________________________ e-Hausaufgaben.de - Team |
Antwort von LsD | 19.10.2014 - 21:43 |
Aufgabe 2 Hier sollte ich schreiben, was ich machen oder sagen würde zu den folgenden Situationen. Meine Antworten habe ich wieder unterstrichen. 1. One of your visitors has drunk four glasses of wine and is planning to drive home himsel/herself. - Someone else should drive him home. 2. You are visiting a costumer who offers you something to eat which you really dislike. - I would ask if I can get something else to eat 3. You are sitting next to someone at dinner and you can`t remember their name. - I would politely ask for the name and apologize that I could not remember the name. 4. At dinner one of your colleagues starts to talk about the difficult political situation in the country which your guest comes from. - I would ask my colleague 5. You have bought expensive tickets for the opera but your guest mentions that he really dislike it. - I would ask someone else to go or I go alone. ________________________ e-Hausaufgaben.de - Team |
Antwort von Ratgeber | 19.10.2014 - 22:42 |
Zitat:If anyone of them is a vegetarian, you can look for a restaurant that serves vegetarian food and non- vegetarian food. Zitat:Wenn hier Werbegeschenke der Gesellschaft gemeint sind, besser giveaways verwenden: Giveaways of the company such as a pen and a notepad and perhaps a small chocolate bar. |
Antwort von Luxichan | 20.10.2014 - 10:05 |
Ich danke euch beiden. ![]() |
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