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English Character Descriptions: Correction ?

Frage: English Character Descriptions: Correction ?
(1 Antwort)

Hallo, könnte jemand mal drüber schauen, ich habe leider sehr viele flüchtigkeitsfehler die ich sehr oft übersehe.. :(

In the novel „The Perks of being a Wallflower“, written by Stephen Chbosky in 1999 the character Charlie is the wallflower, because he spends a lot of time analyzing everything. He`s also the maincharacter of the book.
Charlie was born on the 24 th december. He lives together with his parents and his older sister in a house. He also has an older brother, but his brother is more interested in his sports career than in his family.
Charlie is mostly a very quiet and shy person who spends most of his time inside his thoughts. He also prefers to be alone.
At the beginning of the book, Charlie just starts high school. There he meets his friends Patrick ( who`s also called Nothing), Sam, Mary Elisabeth and also his english teacher Bill. Bill is the one who gives him books to read. Charlie loves reading books, especially the books that Bill gives him. There is also Charlie`s Aunt Helen who passed away in a car accident on the night of Charlie`s 7th birthday. When Charlie was younger his Aunt Helen gave him books to read. Maybe thats why Charlie is shy and writes letters to an imaginary friend. Charlie is not afraid of trying new things, whether they be good or bad. He also likes creating new mix-tapes with his favourite songs. One of his favourite songs is the song „Asleep“by the Smiths.

ANONYM stellte diese Frage am 22.09.2014 - 18:42

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Antwort von matata | 22.09.2014 - 20:39
diesen Text doch einmal durch eine englische Rechtschreibkontrolle bei Word oder Office....Flüchtigkeitsfehler sucht man mit diesen Mitteln.....
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